
Observe how you feel . 

No need to become the emotion rather simply accepting it for what it is. 

No need to change it. 

Notice the gaze in your eyes. 

Is it stressed? Is it soft?


Sometimes as adults we may fall in vines. Like the bird who became the wind.

That’s a children’s book. As adults we know that rarely someone comes to the rescue. This could be due to selfishness but mainly because everybody is fighting their own battle. 

The battle of the past. The battle of the future. Only a few dare to observe the now.

What noises are you able to hear right now? What are the colors in front of you?

What is the word that resonates with you right now? Worried? Fear? Love?

Today at this moment. The word is TAPAS.

In Yoga Tapas is dedication. Devotion. Fire. Discipline and discomfort. The process of transformation. 

Why fire? The heat we generate when we burn off impurities.  We must burn off the impurities in Oder to become (healthy, financially stable, emotionally stable ect).

Devotion: The discipline it takes to endure such task. It’s get uncomfortable but its all part of the process. With heart might and soul.

So how can we endure the task and overcome?

  1. Challenge the self

  2. Embrace change

  3. Strengthen your core

  4. Take small steps

  5. Seek simplicity

But it only starts there. Tapas is divided into three categories austerity, self study,  and unshakable faith in the power of God.

What I’m trying to say, there’s no magic pill but you can reach your goal.

So what makes this different than the crossfit comp or pageant? 

This time around, believe in yourself. Believe that no matter what happens you can over come it. Believe that no matter how much time goes on you will eventually get a win or keep on winning. know that humans are meant to do hard, difficult and challenging things. Believe we are created in Gods magestic image and given his strength. Believe that God does not test our faith but definitely helps us keep it. You know? The whole David and Goliath Day. Maybe soon we will beat a lion and a bear. Maybe we’re still looking and caring for sheep. Either way know that the good lord is with you.

“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”

Whatever your fitness goal it’s never out of reach. It all depends on how much you’re willing to reach and if you stay determined to stretch a bit more every single day. 

  • Changes don’t have to be drastic. 

  • The more realistic the better. 

  • Nobody knows you better than you know yourself so plan accordingly. 

  • Get your win.

  • Fall in love with the process.

  • Stop making excuses.

  • Don’t cheat yourself. 

Hopefully opening up to you here has helped you see something about yourself that you love and can work with to achieve your goal. 

Age, ethnicity does not matter here. What matters is that you (we) keep going. 

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

Tis the time

This is the time to do all the wonderful things you have always wanted to do. Whether you’re 18 or 65. No matter where you are in life, this is your time. It’s your time to let yourself learn new things and face a fear or two and show that fear who is boss.

I’m a firm believer that it’s never too early to do what you want to do or too late to start something new. As long as you have breath, the possibilities are endless.

What will you try next? Where will you go? What will you eat for the first time? Please comment and share with me what you have always wondered about. I want to hear it .

I’ve been wanting to share something cool with y’all. Something that even I haven’t tried. So I tried this creamy soap for the first time. I read a recipe for it and it said they used Dove bar soap. I used bars of Caress Fusion oil soap). Creamy soap makes showering fun and sexy! Here’s the recipe.

•2 bars of soap (grate with a cheese grater)

•Boil 2 cups of water (1 cup for every bar of soap)


Simmer water

•Then throw in the grated soap

•Swirl with spatula not a whisk
•Take off heat and let cool for two hours (the more you let cool the creamier it gets)

Super fun and fast!

Ps: If you notice the shortness of the blog and even in my social media is to limit your attention towards the internet and get into moving your body. Sometimes we get so caught up with the wonderful things the internet has to offer that we move slowly towards actually doing and living.

I love you so much! Let’s move. Let’s live ♥️💪🏼🌹


To be or not? I heard this week someone say how their will power was not “there”. However, little do they know how I admire their will power because their willpower is gentle and jolly.

Here, we explore different levels of will power. Will power. The gift that keeps on giving. Look, sometimes we run low on will power and that’s when we can take the time to simply acknowledge the will power that it took to get out of bed. That right there, is your power in full motion. Even if you woke up late. Even if the spark is not all the way there.

The way you talk. The way you move your hands, everything you do is unique to you. And even though you may not acknowledge your will power to be as strong as you wish it could be. You never know who is looking at you with admiration to the things that you do.

You live with yourself so much that you can’t quite see what makes your will power as strong as it is.

The difference in will powers.

There’s the will power to •eat healthy.
The will power to •get things done ASAP. The will power •not to clutter. The will power to •show up and so on. What I’m trying to say is, forget about the will power you don’t have and enjoy the ones that you do. Maybe when you’re encountered with a situation where you’re tested with one you don’t have you’ll somehow connect to it and because of the gratitude towards the ones you do have, you’ll find yourself making better choices .

There, you ignite other types of will powers within you. In a gentle and loving way. Let’s try this out for a week and let me know how it goes. Or write it on a journal. An experiment that may open your heart and mind.

Thank you jolly beings for showing up sweating with me✨💪🏼🙏🏼

Shower Meditation

Yes, shower meditation is a thing. Something about the feeling of washing away your thoughts that will have you walking out of the shower with a clean body and a clear mind.

To be honest in my personal experience it feels as if you had something over your eyes. That when you walk out, you feel your eyes more relaxed and aware.

You can see what works for you. Maybe just allowing the soap to wash off your body while maintaining your awareness to letting go of your thoughts. Feel the thoughts washing away.

Try it once and maybe that could be your form of meditation for the next couple of days. It will be fun to do shower meditations and yoga Nidra as well the good ole fashioned lotus sitting meditation.

Meditation has several benefits:

  • Calms the breath

  • Improves focus

  • Improves memory

  • Helps with ADHD

  • Improves confidence

  • Enhances your productivity

  • Adds to your spiritual well-being

The list goes on and on. Whatever it is that you’re going through it may be scary to sit down for even 5minutes without depending on your phone. You may even tell yourself lies like “You’re too busy to meditate”. “You have too much going on”.

Believe when I tell you that’s exactly the point. Meditation is a way of showing your body you care. In return your body helps you complete all that you need to get done without aggravating yourself to the ground.

Meditate, experience the bliss and joy you get from meditation. Allow your feet to fall asleep. Tapas is strong discipline. Get in touch with your being and your breath. Get in touch with God when you meditate. Bring yourself to nothing else but the present moment. Allow yourself to shake and be scared. Then gently bring yourself back to your breath.

Every session will be different. There is no arriving at a point where it’s absolutely perfect unless you have decades of practice. And even then they too have other obstacles to overcome through their session.

Everybody’s experience is different. Some people see colors. Others see shapes. Some see nothing at all but the annoyance of being still. And whatever you see or don’t see, that’s okay. Enjoy the experience. Expect nothing and stay with your breath.

There’s no right or wrong. If the first couple of times you meditate you’re planing your day. Thinking about to eat. Wondering why such and such said this, that’s okay. Allow your thoughts to be. Allow them to go like clouds. Maybe you’ll get quicker at dismissing your thoughts from one to the other. That too can a form of progress.

Sometimes we hold on to our thoughts and play them and replay them on how they could of been better to us. On how we shouldn’t have done this. And we play the story over and over in our heads.

Meditation helps.

Last night I had a dream about looking for a Chakra exfoliador. Is that even a thing? So I went on Amazon. And the reason I’m sharing this is because I’m thinking what a great idea it will be to mindfully meditate in the shower while bringing your focus to your Chakras. Though we have millions of energy pathways in our bodies, just focused on the 7.

Root. Sacral. Solar. Heart. Throat. Third eye. Crown.

Shower meditation with a twist. Cleaning your body. Clearing your mind and unclogging your chakras. Sounds like a party I want to be at on the regular.

Thank you for joining and I hope this read was able to reassure you how awesome you already are.

Spiritual well-being and light to all.


“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
— Thessalonians 5:11

Hello November

It's the first of the month and there's so much to do. So many goals and all kinds of projects already in motion.

Throughout this month the word is gratitude. Let's keep in mind that whatever happens or doesn't happen, that’s exactly what we need.

Of course, maybe that's not what you want to hear but that’s the honest truth.

Have you ever caught yourself upset at a situation because you wished for a better outcome? Have you ever experienced yourself at peace even when the outcome doesn't favor your wishes? Both require energy from you. It's a matter of choice. Choosing the best outcome for your peace of mind.

First, let me excuse myself for not opening up sooner. Truth is, I don't want to come across as someone who knows it all because I absolutely don't. Also, please remember the gentle "Why" . What works for one may not work for another but it can help to try.

In the process you'll be able to find what works for you and what does not.

Lessons learned at the gym. Yoga lessons straight from the breath and the mat. Thoughts that come through meditation. Little experiences here and there. The art of letting go and the grace of holding on.

Here, I share how accepting exactly where you are right now can help you finish a difficult task with a blissful state of mind. The word for this month is thankful and the phrase is "Yogi heart. Warrior mind".

*The yogi heart is

  • Kind and loving.

  • Accepting of all.

  • Aware of the present.

  • The heart with full attention to the present moment.

  • The heart that moves with grace and bliss.

The yogi and yogini heart listens more than it speaks. And when it speaks, it speaks to heal.

*Warrior Mind:

  • Refuses to give in to failure.

  • Overachieves .

  • Whether a physical (workout) or a mental (emotions) wins every battle.

  • The warrior minds earns respect.

  • Works hard and diligently at the chosen profession or task.

  • The warrior doesn't stop until its done, not when they're tired.

This mind also picks a fellow friend up with their strength when the friends finds it hard to get up.

Though a warrior, beacuse of the heart, the choice is to fight with kindness and not violence. Together the heart and mind in tune with the world they choose. Aware of the breath, and because of both mind and heart in harmony with all, great things will be achieved.

Spiritual wellbeing and light to all.


Ps: Remember to update your insight timer app. Several cool features that will help you connect with people from all over the world. Without the extra clutters of ads. Lets choose to meditate over medicate <3

Ps#2: If you think not all battles are meant to be won you are right. But even knowing how to gracefully lose is also a giant win.

To curve violence what is most needed is freedom from fear
— Light On Yoga
Check out the new merch. A couple of items on sale. Also, the calendar is a work in progress. Updating all the fun available to you all. I will not be hosting meditation this month. But please feel free to arrive early to class to join a sesh. Currently working on a certification to better help you all that requires much studying so I will not be making new merch as I usually do. Thank you for joining the fun 🙏🏼😭♥️🤪🤪🤪

Check out the new merch. A couple of items on sale. Also, the calendar is a work in progress. Updating all the fun available to you all. I will not be hosting meditation this month. But please feel free to arrive early to class to join a sesh. Currently working on a certification to better help you all that requires much studying so I will not be making new merch as I usually do. Thank you for joining the fun 🙏🏼😭♥️🤪🤪🤪


They say that with age comes wisdom. I was intrigued by the title of the article and decided to share with you all.
The main reason why I’m sharing the article is to let it be known that you are strong. And as long as you are taking the steps to live a healthy lifestyle you will be alright.
As I have seen my own body progress with being slightly overweight and unhealthy I am able to see how now I can do things I couldn’t do before. But I know as much as I train now , it won’t be like this forever. Times change and the body does too. The question to the young reader is, where do you see yourself fitness wise 10yrs from now? The question to everybody else is, what steps can you take on your day to day task towards your fitness goal?

When 85yr old stubborn grandpa broke his hip he didn’t want help from anybody else but me. I knew I had to strengthen my body to help him up without jeopardizing my own body. I did get stronger and grandpa healed and got strong again too.

Young reader, get stronger. Yes you can. Do it all and do it with good form.

To my Original gangsters you too, can get your body stronger. Not in the sense you’ll lift heavy deadlifts or snatches . But in the sense that you can have better awareness of your body. More discipline and more focus towards your health with a gentle approach.

Moving efficiently with your own breath. That’s where we all fit. Whether you’re young or an original gánster. Always come back to your breath. Whether you’re running or walking, awareness to your breath.

The big Y (Why)

Choose your why. Why do you want to achieve your fitness goal? And believe me when I tell you it needs to be something bigger than yourself. I’m not saying that “Because you want to fit in to your new jeans you haven’t wore” or you “Want to look good at your wedding” are not good enough reasons. These reasons are only temporary and will not be able to stick when the going get tough.

It can also be something simple like I tell my OG’s in class “We do utkatasana (chair pose) to get in and out of the toilet with ease”. Whatever we do in the mat (your sport) needs to transfer to real life. It needs to transfer to the bigger picture. It needs to transfer to 10-20 years down the road.

Accidents and injuries do happen. With love and patience you will get better. That’s, YWeFit.

Long term commitment. Long term health and fitness. Light and love to all.

Namaste ✨♥️
See you at the mat.

We all need lots of powerful long range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles.
— Jim Rohn


The hardest part is letting go. It’s the not knowing if the cup needs to be filled or emptied. How could we know?

I’ve heard some teachers say that when you have to ask the question on whether to hold on or let go, that’s your cue. That’s the most gentle of ways to find out. It’s time.

Maybe its a feeling. Maybe its a thought. God, I hope it’s not your relationship, but if abuse is involved you absolutely know.

Sometimes we tell ourselves lies. Lies like, “We are not good enough”. Lies like, “It’s not that bad”. Or even a lie that says “I’m not patient enough”. When in fact, its not that you (we’re ) not. Its the fact that we don’t apply it enough.

Letting go could take a couple of hours, days or even years. But when we finally do, we make room for love. We make room for all that helps us grow into the best version of ourselves.

When we finally let go we experience freedom.

Letting go takes a level of honesty most of us refuse to face. When we do this, we are only setting ourselves back from fresh air and the beautiful sunshine. Between you and I, I’m not one of those Yogis that says “It’s all sunshines and namaste” I believe it can be.

But we live in a world where we must fight. And though we may not fight with fist or weapons, we must fight with grace and our minds. Not in a sense to beat another human or another being. In the sense we must gently, quietly, and patiently fight those thoughts that keep up captive to the thing or emotion that make it soooo hard to let go.

Today we had a meditation session on letting go. The session started at 6:30am CT on the app called Insight Timer. The app is free and people from all over the world join in. I’ll be going live every Friday of this month. The topics are saved in the events tabs here.

It’s an invitation to be part of the community where we strive to be just a little better physically, mentally and emotionally. Plus there are several other teachers you may want to meet and expirience.

Thank you for the love and support.

Thank you to the Crosby Community and the Center.

Thank you Reader for taking the time to read the insight. Please comment, share and let me know your experience of letting go. Any tips? What helps you?

The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward
— Steve Maraboli

Check out the short Youtube video I finished today. Yoga for knee pain. sending love and healing vibes to all of us. Namaste

Keep Going

There is but to keep on going

When the wind blows water

When the going gets harder

When the mud gets thicker

Depression is the believe that you’re not good enough.

That your truth is not true.

That others truth is better than your truths.


They’re two important eye opening times of depression:

When you’re young and realize you have a problem. (Coping with things differently than others. Usually in a more harsh way towards yourself and others)

When you’re an adult and realize you will need to fight depression for the rest of your life. You have triggers. You have situations and conversations that knock you off balance. This, by no means is a sign of weakness but rather you hold a healing spirit that when it gets wounded, it needs :

Healing —->Rest

Boundary check —-> Reset


•You don’t believe your truths to please anyone. Or to impress, shock, allure anybody.

You believe your truths because:

-They bring you peace.


-They sprinkle joy everywhere you go.

-They add to your confidence

-They help you understand a little better

-It makes you more lovebable towards self and others

(This is an article to remember what happens with depression. Not that there is anything wrong with you but sometimes we feel all well and all healed and BAM a wave comes that tries to sink us to the deep end.

I read an article that Benadryl can cause dementia. Then on another day I read how Hispanic people are more likely to suffer from dementia more than any other ethnicity.

I’m Hispanic and I’ve consumed Benadryl. So then my chances are extra high? Maybe your Hispanic too . Maybe not, but it’s true that we all need a little reminder. I write these blogs as a reminder to myself in hopes that it helps someone else too.

With how many people in the world? There’s no way I’m the only one who goes through similar waves. And maybe there’s a writer out there that finds peace in writing but too shy to share their own journey. I hope and pray that you over come those thoughts and share.

The world needs more comprehension. The world needs more of the good we can relate. The world needs more of you. Even if not the whole world listens . With at least one ☝🏼 then the deed has been served 🙏🏼

Depression is without a doubt us being victims to our own mindsets. Here YWeFit is the reason we carry on. Standing holding hands with yoga. Yoga is all about living your truth. Yoga is not so much what the body can do. But rather what the mind can do with the body. Like staying still or bring all of the awareness to nothing else other than your breath.

Yoga teaches us how to be authentic to our own being. How maybe if we are unable to bend a certain way its not because we are not good enough but rather the holding of emotions like fear or doubt.

To share my own yoga experience: I got into yoga because I was looking for answers. Answers about the world. Instead I found answers about myself! How important it is for others to find those answers about themselves too. If more people realized the significance of being still there would probably more planting of trees than tearing them down.

Now lets be real. It’s not about loving and living in a perfect world where it never rains or floods. But rather knowing what to do when it rains and if it floods. Acceptance. Awareness. Ahimsa, Satya.

What does it mean to be nonviolent. What does it mean to be truthful. These are universal languages we can all embrace but how can we really know what to do with them?

We live them. We share them.

Later on as the days go by I will share with you about the importance of these. But to finish the story. I got into yoga because I wanted to know for myself if it was “Satanic” or not. Maybe someone out there will think that, that’s exactly what happened to Adam and Eve. Except in my story I didn’t follow anybody.

So, what did I find out? I found out that yoga is not a religion. I find my truth to be this: Yoga is the mother of all religions. Remember: Religions are doctrines and believes (There is nothing wrong with believing what you believe.) But if what you believe separates humanity on who is better than who, is that truly Gods love?

This topic can get touchy. And many will try to throw stones at me for speaking my truth. But what’s that quote?

“ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” - Bernard M Baruch

Here it is.

Whatever it is that you believe yoga adds to that! Yoga is an addition to strengthen your relationship with God. Your higher power. Your omnipresent. Your rock. Your castle.

Where does depression come in all of this?

In that one cannot see clearly without a relationship with God (what you choose to believe) and the self. One cannot overcome the constant waves of depression without having a higher power. Reassurance, thats what you will get when you have your truth and yoga. Peace of mind that emotions are waves and some people love to surf , others don’t know how to swim and maybe you can make a difference by coming to aid someone in need.

One cannot come to aid if one is not first aware of the self.

I used to think that I wasn’t enough of a being to teach yoga. I thought you had to have it all figured out. I thought that I had to have this perfect life and diet in order to be my most authentic self. During my 200hrs of YTT I couldn’t seem to unleash my bubbly personality. It took a while, but I have found my voice. Kindly, say what you feel.

Maybe you’re this perfect human who cant seem to relate. Or maybe it all makes sense in one way or another. My hope and prayer is that you honor your body for what it is at this moment. That you seek and seek to find your voice and share it.

Find your voice. Share your voice ✨💐✨


I have always dealt with headaches, describing them as "my brain hurting". I went along thinking ok this is life, get used to it. I've had to be taken by coworkers to the ER because the pain was so unbearable I couldn't stand to finish by shift. Fast forward to 2016 being pregnant with Jaxson I developed what I thought was carpel tunnel. My OB referred me to a neurologist and started meds. Tried several and nothing helped, symptoms started to progress to shoulder/neck pain, memory loss, hand weakness, shaking, numbness and a lack of circulation feeling to all extremities. I dealt with this for 2 years without my neurologist listening to what I had to say. 2019 she referred me to a hand surgeon, pretty much washing her hands of my case. I am so thankful for this moment because I finally had someone that listened to me and believed me when I said "this is NOT carpal tunnel". I was finally diagnosed with Chiari Malformation Type 1 by CT of my neck. So I'm thinking ok I have no idea what this is and was referred to a neurosurgeon who gave me 2 options: pain medication or surgery. Well that was 2 NO's for me. There is no cure for this.

I battle some form of pain everyday. Some days are worse than others. I utilize all CBD products but truthfully nothing ever takes all the pain away. With my job and kids taking pain pills every day is not an option. Coming towards the end of my pregnancy where the retaining of fluid is inevitable my battle is harder and harder every day. I have been blessed to have a healthy pregnancy and pray for a safe natural delivery.

Today I was able to be apart of the 5th Chiari Awareness Parade and join the Chiari Smiles Foundations Support Group lead and founded by an amazing woman Dawn Keys.

With this disease and lack of knowledge/awareness you feel alone, you become depressed, you look normal and may have a smile on your face but inside you are battling some of the worst pain you can imagine. How can you explain that to people? I am so thankful for finding this group. Thank you Chantay Haywood and Heather Taylor for sharing this group and your journeys with me. Also a huge thanks to my cousin Ashley for coming with me today.

And Lastly, I serve a Mighty GOD, a Healing GOD. I speak and claim healing over my body 🙏 🙌

#chiarismiles #chiariawareness #chiarimalformation #chiaristrong 💐

Thank you Stephanie for allowing us to share your story. We love you so much and can’t wait to meet your precious baby soon.

Thank you Stephanie for allowing us to share your story. We love you so much and can’t wait to meet your precious baby soon.


Google images

Congratulations Stephanie 🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🏼👏🏼 Luke is here everybody 💐💐💐💐💐💐☀️

Congratulations Stephanie 🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🏼👏🏼 Luke is here everybody 💐💐💐💐💐💐☀️


The purpose of this blog is to allow the reader looking for back pain relief to find it here. Also, If you are new to the website it gives you an understanding of why we make the videos. We share the love for yoga because we know first hand what it feels like to hurt / physically and think to yourself “Will I be able to move pain free again?”. The answer is, yes. You can and you will.

There are a couple of steps to recovery and the first is to be patient with the process. Give yourself time. This blog targets lower back pain but in the future we will discuss shoulder, hip and other parts of your body.

The first 12 minutes of the video I express my own pain and how it happened. Sometimes we are too stubborn to listen to our own bodies. That’s okay, but accepting it can be a challenge on its own. At minute 12:53 I get to the poses.

My goal for you is to guide you to have the confidence that you need for pain free movement. Awareness to your breath. Keeping yourself calm and aware of the present moment. Allowing yourself to feel and let go gently.

This is the first video I made for all of you. Please also know that my other videos are much shorter. Shorter videos help you focus completely on your own body, breath and poses.

YWeFit is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. For example, as Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Disclaimer: This information is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. If you have any questions about your own nutrition and fitness plan, please consult your MD or RD


The prayer and hope is that you find peace through whatever it is you’re going through. We live in a world where hate is so popular and though we may not be able to change the world with our love and kindness, we can still be part of those who add to the healing process.

Yesterday I woke up with this question and thought in mind “End a movie in 5 words”. The answer to my own question was, “Free, you’ll be with truth”. Kinda like Yoda talks.

Whatever it is you’re going through, set your self free. It’s okay to feel. It’s okay to acknowledge the ache. Set yourself free by not becoming the ache.

The most gentle of ways I have seen work best. Is a tiny whisper to yourself saying “It’s okay”. Please remember that nothing, absolutely nothing is worth ripping you off of your happiness and bliss. Breathe my gentle human. Awareness to your inhales and exhales.

Anxious? Stressed? Make a list of those things and burn it. Make a gentle mental note and release it.

What stories will you repeat to yourself? Stories of success or failure? The amount of effort is truly the same. Maybe there’s a part that you find hard to believe. You are strong. You are resilient. You are kind.

Look at how much you have overcome through your life. However big or small. Still, you carry on. Carry the ache with you (no more). Bring your awareness to your healing process and watch yourself more at peace and focused on your journey.

My gentle human. How will you end your movie in 5 words?



Hello my gorgeous reader,

This is your gentle Friday love letter. From me to you, with hopes that you’re happy and healthy.


Believe that you will get exactly what you need. Not more or less, but exactly what you truly need.

With more, you tend to get carried away, get very little done or move slower than you know you should move. You forget your breath and find it difficult to center yourself.

With less, you cut yourself short. You stress more than the rest. You arrive late and loose your balance a little more.

Believe that although you (we) take a tiny place in this earth our speck is enough. Our speck is enough to make our breath count.

Have you ever seen a picture of mother earth in space view?

Pretty tiny huh?

Pretty tiny huh?

Yet, though we take a small part in this beautiful world with us, we carry the ability to be kind, loving and understanding. We carry breath. We carry life. We carry power. You are loved beyond measure. Wherever you are in this majestic earth of ours, please remember, that I am thinking of you. Ahimsa, non-violence. Be gentle with yourself. Be patient with your journey. Lotus be kind. Lotus be graceful.



The centipede envies the snake for not needing legs to get around. The snake envies the wind for not needing a body to just be”. -Youtube video I saw this morning

The moral of the story is that we are constantly trying to make changes to ourselves. Brunettes want to be blondes ( ME I’d like to be blonde) and blondes want to be brunets.

And so the story goes. Without much thought, doing comes from being. Allow yourself to stay with your breath.

You have breath and you have body. You have everything you need to achieve your goals. There is nothing to change. Sure, there may be some acceptance and adjustments. But in the end you are enough.

You are enough to start. You are enough to end. You are enough for your journey. And As you are, you take a wonderful place in this earth.

I share this thought with you because social media can get us real jacked up. Even our family members. Only you know how hard you work. Only you know the tears you cry. Only you know if what you need is a little more discipline, or a little more will. Whatever it is that you may need, please know that it is within that you will find it.

From the bottom of my heart, please don’t ever feel alone. You are loved. You are enough.

In honor of “The Bird Who Became The Wind” I decided to try Crow pose today. Truth is, I stay away from practicing complicated poses. Yin is my thing. But oh how fun it’s to try something scary from time to time.

In honor of “The Bird Who Became The Wind” I decided to try Crow pose today. Truth is, I stay away from practicing complicated poses. Yin is my thing. But oh how fun it’s to try something scary from time to time.

Now, If you’re looking for a mood booster please try our Alpha Brain. Yes, I do receive some commission if you purchase. But I take it myself. I trust the product and have felt a huge improvement in my energy level when I started to take this. I take it for a whole month. Then give myself a break from it and then I take it again. Also for sleep! I take New mood. Not every single night but just about.

Hello, World!


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Welcome Back! Butterflies and Flowers Poster.jpg

The first time I ever wrote from the heart I was about 11 years old. I had a major crush on a boy whose name I will not tell. But I wrote a poem to him (which I never gave or shared). But ever since I’ve been writing. A dream has always been to write a book of some kind. So here it is. A children’s book. Simple with a clear message. One can make a difference. One can heal. One can fly.

First edition and looking to collaborate with anybody out there who draws for better illustrations. Thank you for taking the time to check me and the book out. Open to constructive criticism. Again, thank you.

The colors of the book are inspired by this shoe.

The colors of the book are inspired by this shoe.

Keep moving. Stay healthy 🙏🏼


What’s the importance of Yin Yoga?

The motivation behind writing this blog is to share my love for yin yoga. Why? because if you have a busy schedule, a demanding job , or a fiery character you will be able to meet a different side of yourself that you have been needing for a long time. Afterwards, you will feel blissful and ready for whatever comes your way.


  • Balances nervous system

  • Quiets the mind

  • Aids healing process

  • Flexibility

  • Circulation

  • Muscle recovery

    While other forms of yoga help with alignment and strength Yin helps in a more gentle way. Sometimes you may not find a liking of the smoothness of Yin but that’s only an indication of how much your body truly needs it.

In Yin, poses are held for 5 minutes or more. If you resist your urges to move in the pose your body may start to feel a tingly sensation as when you meditate for a long time. It can be uncomfortable. But learning how to stay in the pose despite the discomfort helps us with whatever emotions we may be having a difficult time dealing with.

Awareness and acceptance. With practice we get better at being aware and accepting those things we cannot change (Like someone’s opinion, someone’s lack of effort or the weather).

But my most favorite part is that it gives us an opportunity to listen to our bodies before our bodies scream. If you take part in any type of sport, it helps you be ready for the training day current or next one.

Without it, you're setting yourself up for missing training days (Injury).

Join one of my Yin classes. Either remote on zoom or Crosby Community Center (Thursdays 5pm).

Everybody is welcomed. The more stressed, stiff and worried, the better.

Keep healing 🙏🏼💐

Keep healing 🙏🏼💐


7 things that happen when you do yoga 


“I’m not flexible for yoga” is like a goat saying “I’m not goat enough for the goat club”. Huh? Haha sounds silly right? Everybody starts somewhere. Everything takes just a bit of effort and consistency. With time, you will get flexible. Not only your body! But your mind. 


Truth is, you’re already strong. But another truth is that you haven’t quite figured out how to unleash it. You’re not sure because you haven’t moved your body in a while. Yet you know your day to day task take strength. Well imagine having the strength to do more! And to do it with grace! 

Peace clarity:

With clarity comes peace of mind. You’ll be able to understand your own thoughts. You’ll be able to sit with your emotions instead of becoming your emotions. You’ll learn to distinguish the difference of what needs to be held on to and what needs to be let go of. 


You’ll find yourself showing up for yourself with vigor and zeal! Your own strength will have much to do with it. 

Healthier choices:

Maybe you won’t have an oh so perfect diet. But you’ll learn to make the most amount of healthy choices throughout your day.  Your clarity will add to this. 

New friendships:

Whether you’re doing it through zoom or in a studio, you’ll be able to meet new people. Even if you take a long long time until you speak. You’ll have friends with a common goal : to be happy and healthy. 

Stress relieve:

Some days will be better than others but one thing is for sure: Whether you do yoga or any other type of purposeful movement you will relieve stress! 

Maybe you don’t care much for making new friendships. Maybe you think these are all out of reach. Maybe you think you’re too “lazy” to get into the groove. But let me tell you that what’s really happing is that you don’t have a solid “why” you don’t have a good enough reason to get moving. 

My prayer is that you find your reason. My prayer is that you find your why. My prayer is that you change your why according to the times of you need to if that’s what it takes to stay moving in the healthy direction.

Please remember it’s not about having a perfect, vegan, gluten free 7 day a week workout program. It’s about making the most amount of healthy options most of the time🙏🏼♥️✨

Keep searching. Keep going 💐