There is but to keep on going
When the wind blows water
When the going gets harder
When the mud gets thicker
Depression is the believe that you’re not good enough.
That your truth is not true.
That others truth is better than your truths.
They’re two important eye opening times of depression:
When you’re young and realize you have a problem. (Coping with things differently than others. Usually in a more harsh way towards yourself and others)
When you’re an adult and realize you will need to fight depression for the rest of your life. You have triggers. You have situations and conversations that knock you off balance. This, by no means is a sign of weakness but rather you hold a healing spirit that when it gets wounded, it needs :
Healing —->Rest
Boundary check —-> Reset
•You don’t believe your truths to please anyone. Or to impress, shock, allure anybody.
You believe your truths because:
-They bring you peace.
-They sprinkle joy everywhere you go.
-They add to your confidence
-They help you understand a little better
-It makes you more lovebable towards self and others
(This is an article to remember what happens with depression. Not that there is anything wrong with you but sometimes we feel all well and all healed and BAM a wave comes that tries to sink us to the deep end.
I read an article that Benadryl can cause dementia. Then on another day I read how Hispanic people are more likely to suffer from dementia more than any other ethnicity.
I’m Hispanic and I’ve consumed Benadryl. So then my chances are extra high? Maybe your Hispanic too . Maybe not, but it’s true that we all need a little reminder. I write these blogs as a reminder to myself in hopes that it helps someone else too.
With how many people in the world? There’s no way I’m the only one who goes through similar waves. And maybe there’s a writer out there that finds peace in writing but too shy to share their own journey. I hope and pray that you over come those thoughts and share.
The world needs more comprehension. The world needs more of the good we can relate. The world needs more of you. Even if not the whole world listens . With at least one ☝🏼 then the deed has been served 🙏🏼
Depression is without a doubt us being victims to our own mindsets. Here YWeFit is the reason we carry on. Standing holding hands with yoga. Yoga is all about living your truth. Yoga is not so much what the body can do. But rather what the mind can do with the body. Like staying still or bring all of the awareness to nothing else other than your breath.
Yoga teaches us how to be authentic to our own being. How maybe if we are unable to bend a certain way its not because we are not good enough but rather the holding of emotions like fear or doubt.
To share my own yoga experience: I got into yoga because I was looking for answers. Answers about the world. Instead I found answers about myself! How important it is for others to find those answers about themselves too. If more people realized the significance of being still there would probably more planting of trees than tearing them down.
Now lets be real. It’s not about loving and living in a perfect world where it never rains or floods. But rather knowing what to do when it rains and if it floods. Acceptance. Awareness. Ahimsa, Satya.
What does it mean to be nonviolent. What does it mean to be truthful. These are universal languages we can all embrace but how can we really know what to do with them?
We live them. We share them.
Later on as the days go by I will share with you about the importance of these. But to finish the story. I got into yoga because I wanted to know for myself if it was “Satanic” or not. Maybe someone out there will think that, that’s exactly what happened to Adam and Eve. Except in my story I didn’t follow anybody.
So, what did I find out? I found out that yoga is not a religion. I find my truth to be this: Yoga is the mother of all religions. Remember: Religions are doctrines and believes (There is nothing wrong with believing what you believe.) But if what you believe separates humanity on who is better than who, is that truly Gods love?
This topic can get touchy. And many will try to throw stones at me for speaking my truth. But what’s that quote?
“ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” - Bernard M Baruch
Here it is.
Whatever it is that you believe yoga adds to that! Yoga is an addition to strengthen your relationship with God. Your higher power. Your omnipresent. Your rock. Your castle.
Where does depression come in all of this?
In that one cannot see clearly without a relationship with God (what you choose to believe) and the self. One cannot overcome the constant waves of depression without having a higher power. Reassurance, thats what you will get when you have your truth and yoga. Peace of mind that emotions are waves and some people love to surf , others don’t know how to swim and maybe you can make a difference by coming to aid someone in need.
One cannot come to aid if one is not first aware of the self.
I used to think that I wasn’t enough of a being to teach yoga. I thought you had to have it all figured out. I thought that I had to have this perfect life and diet in order to be my most authentic self. During my 200hrs of YTT I couldn’t seem to unleash my bubbly personality. It took a while, but I have found my voice. Kindly, say what you feel.
Maybe you’re this perfect human who cant seem to relate. Or maybe it all makes sense in one way or another. My hope and prayer is that you honor your body for what it is at this moment. That you seek and seek to find your voice and share it.