
Shower Meditation

Yes, shower meditation is a thing. Something about the feeling of washing away your thoughts that will have you walking out of the shower with a clean body and a clear mind.

To be honest in my personal experience it feels as if you had something over your eyes. That when you walk out, you feel your eyes more relaxed and aware.

You can see what works for you. Maybe just allowing the soap to wash off your body while maintaining your awareness to letting go of your thoughts. Feel the thoughts washing away.

Try it once and maybe that could be your form of meditation for the next couple of days. It will be fun to do shower meditations and yoga Nidra as well the good ole fashioned lotus sitting meditation.

Meditation has several benefits:

  • Calms the breath

  • Improves focus

  • Improves memory

  • Helps with ADHD

  • Improves confidence

  • Enhances your productivity

  • Adds to your spiritual well-being

The list goes on and on. Whatever it is that you’re going through it may be scary to sit down for even 5minutes without depending on your phone. You may even tell yourself lies like “You’re too busy to meditate”. “You have too much going on”.

Believe when I tell you that’s exactly the point. Meditation is a way of showing your body you care. In return your body helps you complete all that you need to get done without aggravating yourself to the ground.

Meditate, experience the bliss and joy you get from meditation. Allow your feet to fall asleep. Tapas is strong discipline. Get in touch with your being and your breath. Get in touch with God when you meditate. Bring yourself to nothing else but the present moment. Allow yourself to shake and be scared. Then gently bring yourself back to your breath.

Every session will be different. There is no arriving at a point where it’s absolutely perfect unless you have decades of practice. And even then they too have other obstacles to overcome through their session.

Everybody’s experience is different. Some people see colors. Others see shapes. Some see nothing at all but the annoyance of being still. And whatever you see or don’t see, that’s okay. Enjoy the experience. Expect nothing and stay with your breath.

There’s no right or wrong. If the first couple of times you meditate you’re planing your day. Thinking about to eat. Wondering why such and such said this, that’s okay. Allow your thoughts to be. Allow them to go like clouds. Maybe you’ll get quicker at dismissing your thoughts from one to the other. That too can a form of progress.

Sometimes we hold on to our thoughts and play them and replay them on how they could of been better to us. On how we shouldn’t have done this. And we play the story over and over in our heads.

Meditation helps.

Last night I had a dream about looking for a Chakra exfoliador. Is that even a thing? So I went on Amazon. And the reason I’m sharing this is because I’m thinking what a great idea it will be to mindfully meditate in the shower while bringing your focus to your Chakras. Though we have millions of energy pathways in our bodies, just focused on the 7.

Root. Sacral. Solar. Heart. Throat. Third eye. Crown.

Shower meditation with a twist. Cleaning your body. Clearing your mind and unclogging your chakras. Sounds like a party I want to be at on the regular.

Thank you for joining and I hope this read was able to reassure you how awesome you already are.

Spiritual well-being and light to all.


“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
— Thessalonians 5:11


They say that with age comes wisdom. I was intrigued by the title of the article and decided to share with you all.
The main reason why I’m sharing the article is to let it be known that you are strong. And as long as you are taking the steps to live a healthy lifestyle you will be alright.
As I have seen my own body progress with being slightly overweight and unhealthy I am able to see how now I can do things I couldn’t do before. But I know as much as I train now , it won’t be like this forever. Times change and the body does too. The question to the young reader is, where do you see yourself fitness wise 10yrs from now? The question to everybody else is, what steps can you take on your day to day task towards your fitness goal?

When 85yr old stubborn grandpa broke his hip he didn’t want help from anybody else but me. I knew I had to strengthen my body to help him up without jeopardizing my own body. I did get stronger and grandpa healed and got strong again too.

Young reader, get stronger. Yes you can. Do it all and do it with good form.

To my Original gangsters you too, can get your body stronger. Not in the sense you’ll lift heavy deadlifts or snatches . But in the sense that you can have better awareness of your body. More discipline and more focus towards your health with a gentle approach.

Moving efficiently with your own breath. That’s where we all fit. Whether you’re young or an original gánster. Always come back to your breath. Whether you’re running or walking, awareness to your breath.

The big Y (Why)

Choose your why. Why do you want to achieve your fitness goal? And believe me when I tell you it needs to be something bigger than yourself. I’m not saying that “Because you want to fit in to your new jeans you haven’t wore” or you “Want to look good at your wedding” are not good enough reasons. These reasons are only temporary and will not be able to stick when the going get tough.

It can also be something simple like I tell my OG’s in class “We do utkatasana (chair pose) to get in and out of the toilet with ease”. Whatever we do in the mat (your sport) needs to transfer to real life. It needs to transfer to the bigger picture. It needs to transfer to 10-20 years down the road.

Accidents and injuries do happen. With love and patience you will get better. That’s, YWeFit.

Long term commitment. Long term health and fitness. Light and love to all.

Namaste ✨♥️
See you at the mat.

We all need lots of powerful long range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles.
— Jim Rohn