

Hello my gorgeous reader,

This is your gentle Friday love letter. From me to you, with hopes that you’re happy and healthy.


Believe that you will get exactly what you need. Not more or less, but exactly what you truly need.

With more, you tend to get carried away, get very little done or move slower than you know you should move. You forget your breath and find it difficult to center yourself.

With less, you cut yourself short. You stress more than the rest. You arrive late and loose your balance a little more.

Believe that although you (we) take a tiny place in this earth our speck is enough. Our speck is enough to make our breath count.

Have you ever seen a picture of mother earth in space view?

Pretty tiny huh?

Pretty tiny huh?

Yet, though we take a small part in this beautiful world with us, we carry the ability to be kind, loving and understanding. We carry breath. We carry life. We carry power. You are loved beyond measure. Wherever you are in this majestic earth of ours, please remember, that I am thinking of you. Ahimsa, non-violence. Be gentle with yourself. Be patient with your journey. Lotus be kind. Lotus be graceful.
