It's the first of the month and there's so much to do. So many goals and all kinds of projects already in motion.
Throughout this month the word is gratitude. Let's keep in mind that whatever happens or doesn't happen, that’s exactly what we need.
Of course, maybe that's not what you want to hear but that’s the honest truth.
Have you ever caught yourself upset at a situation because you wished for a better outcome? Have you ever experienced yourself at peace even when the outcome doesn't favor your wishes? Both require energy from you. It's a matter of choice. Choosing the best outcome for your peace of mind.
First, let me excuse myself for not opening up sooner. Truth is, I don't want to come across as someone who knows it all because I absolutely don't. Also, please remember the gentle "Why" . What works for one may not work for another but it can help to try.
In the process you'll be able to find what works for you and what does not.
Lessons learned at the gym. Yoga lessons straight from the breath and the mat. Thoughts that come through meditation. Little experiences here and there. The art of letting go and the grace of holding on.
Here, I share how accepting exactly where you are right now can help you finish a difficult task with a blissful state of mind. The word for this month is thankful and the phrase is "Yogi heart. Warrior mind".
*The yogi heart is
Kind and loving.
Accepting of all.
Aware of the present.
The heart with full attention to the present moment.
The heart that moves with grace and bliss.
The yogi and yogini heart listens more than it speaks. And when it speaks, it speaks to heal.
*Warrior Mind:
Refuses to give in to failure.
Overachieves .
Whether a physical (workout) or a mental (emotions) wins every battle.
The warrior minds earns respect.
Works hard and diligently at the chosen profession or task.
The warrior doesn't stop until its done, not when they're tired.
This mind also picks a fellow friend up with their strength when the friends finds it hard to get up.
Though a warrior, beacuse of the heart, the choice is to fight with kindness and not violence. Together the heart and mind in tune with the world they choose. Aware of the breath, and because of both mind and heart in harmony with all, great things will be achieved.
Spiritual wellbeing and light to all.
Ps: Remember to update your insight timer app. Several cool features that will help you connect with people from all over the world. Without the extra clutters of ads. Lets choose to meditate over medicate <3
Ps#2: If you think not all battles are meant to be won you are right. But even knowing how to gracefully lose is also a giant win.
“To curve violence what is most needed is freedom from fear”
Check out the new merch. A couple of items on sale. Also, the calendar is a work in progress. Updating all the fun available to you all. I will not be hosting meditation this month. But please feel free to arrive early to class to join a sesh. Currently working on a certification to better help you all that requires much studying so I will not be making new merch as I usually do. Thank you for joining the fun 🙏🏼😭♥️🤪🤪🤪