Two sides to a coin. To every dark thought let’s have a positive one.
This is not to say that we need a dark thought to think with a positive mind.
This is to say, we should stay aware and check our thoughts before they demolish us.
Fitness , health, life I’m not sure come with a destination. Certain task require speed. Others have deadlines but the bigger picture?
There’s always work to get done.
Today I am thankful for each and every person I have came across with. Everybody has been amazing, kind, hard working. If they didn’t have these qualities they helped me to open my heart and see with different eyes. Everybody has gifted me a special lesson.
Some more than others.
Fears ,resentment ,anger:
My insecurities where rooted from the awareness of knowing how much healing I had yet to get done.
Just recently I realized that awareness is not there to dim your light but rather to show you a new method , a new recipe and a new move.
It’s so easy to clutter our minds with darkness that we can just as easy forget how amazing we truly are.
Not in comparison with another but by simply overcoming these fears and insecurities.
Let’s embrace our awesome 😎
Namaste 🙏🏼