
Been awake since 4am. No nap minimum food. No workout. I gave my all to that printing machine. Welp gotta sleep and get to the Market real early soooo good night or good morning wherever you are in the world. Please stay busy doing what puts a smile on your face. Let’s keep striving and sharing the love ❤️



Looking at this picture does it tell you a story?
This is where I do all the writing , dancing and shirt making. However, since we got new machines and new furniture we cleaned one of the rooms and now I have a new office. Separating my play time to my creative time . Both playful both serious 🥰🤗😃



I got my printing machine in today! I found awesome deals to buy T-shirts for when I need them! One thing is for sure, with my training and animals and the printing I’ll be fully booked. But I must admit, I hope I get hired to that one job I applied for this week because Lord knows it will help a bunch!

Anywho good night 😘

xoxo you know you love me🥰



The first love story ever told. 

““Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

“And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.””

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Not long after temptation and the fall took place. Who is to blame? 


There is but to carry on and learn. 

Whether or not you believe this story to be true. What I like about it is, Adam and Eve devoted their life’s to each other despite the pain they would soon encounter. Their shame didn’t separate them but brought them closer together. It’s not like Adam or Eve had any thoughts about going their separate ways. Nor where they depressed or mad at each other. 

Despite the sin, with love and compassion they choose to be there for each other’s pains.

What did you get from the first love story ever told? 

Working on these 🥰😃

Working on these 🥰😃

Also, here I’m adding this nutmeg oil that helps me so much with muscle soreness and body aches! Works best after a shower. Super affordable. I got it when I went to Indonesia but I found a website for y’all ♥️♥️✨💐

Also, here I’m adding this nutmeg oil that helps me so much with muscle soreness and body aches! Works best after a shower. Super affordable. I got it when I went to Indonesia but I found a website for y’all ♥️♥️✨💐


Let determination be a vitamin you take every day. Like fish oil. 

I’ve said this before and won’t get tired of saying it ; motivation only takes us so long until discipline and determination take over. 

Being vulnerable I can admit lately my training sessions have taken a huge emotional warfare on me. Then I pep talk myself into reminding how beautiful the process is. How when I need it the most , all the training will kick in and it will pay off. 

While I was taking a shower I remembered “No bad day is fatal and no best day is final.” It may seem like the bad days are winning but it can’t rain forever... and heck of it does rain forever I’ll learn a new skill along that way that will propel me to the next best version of myself. Since after all, that’s the reason to all my seasons.

Namaste 🙏🏼 

Love and light to all♥️♥️✨✨💐

The Matt Frazer metcons! I won them in a raffle giveaway from Vigorous Apparel!!! DOOOOOOOPE! 😳😎😁😃😃😃😃🥰🙏🏼👌🏼

The Matt Frazer metcons! I won them in a raffle giveaway from Vigorous Apparel!!! DOOOOOOOPE! 😳😎😁😃😃😃😃🥰🙏🏼👌🏼


Enough. The battle between keep on sleeping because you can vs ENOUGH.

If you have ever beat yourself up thinking or saying “ I used to be good at this”. Whatever the task is, I have something for that. 

Let’s not ever allow ourselves to get carried away with the past. Let’s allow ourselves to evolve , learn and grow as many times as we need. Let’s tell ourselves it’s okay to learn something new at any given time. 

Let’s take a different approach and give in to the next level. But first let’s pretend we never where good at it. Let’s start with a clean slate. Let’s pretend it’s our first time and it’s only a matter of time until we actually get good at it. That no matter what happens along the way we will carry on because we no longer live in the past but only in the moment in front of us.

Namaste 🙏🏼 

Love and light to you my dear friend ♥️✨💐

Learned a couple of new words today. One of which is this one ☝🏼 here

Learned a couple of new words today. One of which is this one ☝🏼 here


NOthing wrong with waking at 5am on a Sunday👀🗣🗣🙏🏼🤙🏼

You gotta want to succeed as much as God wants you to fulfill the plans he has for you.

Right track even when you back track. 

Believe that every set up comes with a great comeback. 

Nothing that you lack that God can’t provide. Nothing that you have that God can’t multiply.

What was, no longer is for greater to be. 

I know things might not make much sense right now. But trust it will all pay off🙏🏼♥️✨😃💐🎶🎶🎶😉😎

I know things might not make much sense right now. But trust it will all pay off🙏🏼♥️✨😃💐🎶🎶🎶😉😎


We’re just getting started yeah yeah 🎶 and we’re gunna get wild 

And craaazy 🤪🥰🤫

Getting the feel of what it’s like to win. Consecutive wins. Let’s put ourselves in situations where we are able to win. Which in reality when we are set? Completely rooted in the win, we will. 

I got the printer going today. After a year of owning this printer I finally really got it! 

All it took was hardcore determination. Telling myself “If I gotta walk or catch a lift to get it going then that’s what will need to happen. But I will not go another day waiting for this printer to get going”. 

It got done.

Namaste 🙏🏼 



We farm.
Today I learned that change in behavior from horses could mean their days are counted. All throughout the day George laid on the ground. He didn’t want to be around me much and well let me just say that I cried at the thought of loosing him. But that’s selfish of me to say. Is he in pain? Is it something I can fix? Acceptance, that if I cannot or a vet cannot fix it… well… he won’t be hurting.

In the mean time while he’s still around why not show him love ❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️



 Braver through ambition.

The road has runway. 

So now,

I write.

Maybe because I went to sleep with thoughts like “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”. (-John F. Kennedy)

As I enter a new decade... que siempre haiga 

amor. Que el buscar a Dios nunca salga de moda.

Que expanda mi entendimiento, la sabiduría, mi fortaleza en todo lo bueno, en todo lo puro.

Que disfrute el sol y la luna aun que sería o con una sonrisa. 

Que mis palabras salgan como miel. Sin prisa y dulce aquien las digiere. 

Awake, aware that it’s not about welcoming a feeling or situation ( for welcoming allows it to stay longer) but rather accepting what needs to be accepted. For there? Acceptance allows it leave quicker. 


What difference does it make? 

For now you know you can! 

Now you know just a tad bit than 2 decades ago. Now you know that at any point you can admit that you know nothing and are willing to reset and relearn.

We truly don’t need a new decade to reset or relearn. But it’s huge help.



Do I start?

Secrets the good God almighty keeps for you. Those thoughts you don’t dare to say outside or even out loud. When all of the sudden, he answers! He delivers! Stay calm. Believe. Be you. You is happy. You is awesome. You seek what you already have. Always be thankful!

Tomorrow I turn 30! I’ll be walking in a new decade! Not like 20 I ran to it. Walking into it because it’s not a race against myself. But realization of how amazing God has been in my life. No need to rush. Here? We focus. Here? We keep going? Here? We strengthen our faith and believe ♥️✨💯

I don’t know where this road will take us exactly but the vision is to unite all sports, all race and genders. Different traditions and beliefs with no judgement.

Hey guys! I won’t this raffle!!

Hey guys! I won’t this raffle!!


Look 👀

Even a good garage may need repair
— YWeFit

Today I was so tempted to buy a margarita and skip my training session. But truthfully speaking, that would of been way beyond foolish from my part.

I just finished reading a book called “Compete every day” and one of the chapters talks about how to ask yourself the question “Is this aligned with my goal(purpose). If yes? Proceed. If not, eliminate.

Beyond thankful for this book! It’s an easy read and the way the author speaks truly stays with me during whatever it is I’m struggling with during the day.

Human, keep in mind how awesome you are. Remember that you are meant to achieve great things in your life. Remember that perfection does not exist but you do and you will do the best you can.

Because ,you are worth it 🙏🏼

With this in mind YWeFit has a motto now “Firmness of purpose”.



Finished a book called “Compete every day”. Long story short, the battle is with the self. It’s our responsibility to be the best humans we can be. That starts with beating old records. Giving our best and setting new goals. Not ever comparing but always striving 🙏🏼🙏🏼❣️

The book that got harassed by last the last hurricane. Still, we learn.

The book that got harassed by last the last hurricane. Still, we learn.