
Yoga is not just postures. It’s a state of mind -Louisa Sear

When do you find it most beneficial to go back to your breath? While driving? During practice? When at work?

A reminder to connect with your breath, as much as possible throughout ours days.

Banded tricep extension. For a double whammy , catch your relaxed leg and catch it behind you with your free hand. Feel the need for balance and strength. Then, enjoy the tingly sensations of the pose. Hold for 5 or more breaths. Gently release on your exhale

Banded tricep extension. For a double whammy , catch your relaxed leg and catch it behind you with your free hand. Feel the need for balance and strength. Then, enjoy the tingly sensations of the pose. Hold for 5 or more breaths. Gently release on your exhale