Hola familia. Aquí les va el pensamiento del día.
I know what it’s like to fail myself time after time. So it’s hard to trust any process. I know what it feels like to not feel strong enough or good enough.
But I also know what it’s like to finally get that “oh” or “Aha!” moment. And yes, it’s a moment because it doesn’t last long.
So that’s why yoga. That’s why, lifting. it’s about the progress you’re able to make every single time you show up. You may come in on empty, but you’ll end up feeling filled! And Something about you changes. Whether you’re able to see it at the moment or not.
ps: Those 25 burpees are not ever easy or a breeze! But you can definitely switch your mindset and move as your body allows and get them done 🙏🏼 Day 9 and it’s already 225.
How will you move today?
Every time you show up something changes, and that’s YWeFit ♥️💪🏼