
Enough. The battle between keep on sleeping because you can vs ENOUGH.

If you have ever beat yourself up thinking or saying “ I used to be good at this”. Whatever the task is, I have something for that. 

Let’s not ever allow ourselves to get carried away with the past. Let’s allow ourselves to evolve , learn and grow as many times as we need. Let’s tell ourselves it’s okay to learn something new at any given time. 

Let’s take a different approach and give in to the next level. But first let’s pretend we never where good at it. Let’s start with a clean slate. Let’s pretend it’s our first time and it’s only a matter of time until we actually get good at it. That no matter what happens along the way we will carry on because we no longer live in the past but only in the moment in front of us.

Namaste 🙏🏼 

Love and light to you my dear friend ♥️✨💐

Learned a couple of new words today. One of which is this one ☝🏼 here

Learned a couple of new words today. One of which is this one ☝🏼 here