Wish our relationship with this website would of worked out. All these designs and ideas. Still trying to find who and where to bring it all to live.
Flea market
I just believe that if I help y’all win the celebration will be epic. Anybody interested in posting their own table at our flea market let me know.
“Revere and greet your elders; console the poor and the afflicted with good works and words. . . . Follow not the madmen who honor neither father nor mother; for they are like animals, for they neither take nor hear advice. . . . Do not mock the old, the sick, the maimed, or one who has sinned. Do not insult or abhor them, but abase yourself before God and fear lest the same befall you. . . . Do not set a bad example, or speak indiscreetly, or interrupt the speech of another. If someone does not speak well or coherently, see that you do not the same; if it is not your business to speak, be silent. If you are asked something, reply soberly and without affectation or flattery or prejudice to others, and your speech will be well regarded. . . . Wherever you go, walk with a peaceful air, and do not make wry faces or improper gestures”.
Lunges & Bird Dog
The article I found is great for anybody trying to lose body fat. How to lose body fat even after the workout. LUNGES! Over sprinting. You can click to know the scientific proves. I’m just cutting to the chase to make it easier on you.
•Must be weighted (bumbells, weight vest, water gallons ect.)
•Must be 400 meters or on a 4x4 box
Also try the yoga pose in the pic. Before or after the lunges. Opposite arm opposite leg. The cool thing about bird dog is if your wrist are hurting you can put your forearms on blocks or in a chair!
I stay in a shell. Away from everything and everybody. It’s truly not a wise or brave thing to do. My reason behind it is, if I don’t have a smile to share , I have nothing to offer. But going out there is good! It’s necessary! Maybe you don’t have a smile to share but maybe just maybe someone out there who may not even be looking at you could share a contagious smile.
Maybe you’re the person sharing the smile today. Ayye you’re the one needing a smile. Whatever it is , please remember that you are loved.
If you’re the person smiling , you too carry hurt in your heart willing to share a smile. If you’re the one needing a smile please know , there is nothing wrong with you. It’s just one of those days 💯💯💯💋💋
Flea market
Last night I couldn’t sleep. I woke up from a daze. Somewhere between rest and restlessness. I felt a pain in my stomach and the left side of my face damn near felt numb. But this is how it goes, better yet how I was told: So the job at hand to the best of your ability. It will pay off. Maybe not necessarily that’s same day but it will.
With this I’m sharing that even though I didn’t feel like my normal self today, I was able to execute the task with honor.
With today a new door has opened. A new adventure begins! Stay tune to see the progress of what I am sharing today 🙏🏼🙏🏼😘🥰😘
Froning Farms
Y’all, so if you’ve been on my Facebook you know I’m into jerky these days. This jerky here? Taste pure and clean! It’s not oily and it even smells pure. Not like it’s been locked up for centuries. Anywho anybody wanna try it out they have a sale going on.
What happened to 16? Two for today since there was no 16
Whatever we can’t do now, only let’s ya know there is room for progress and growth in that field. How about we enjoy the unfolding instead of nagging and beating ourselves up about it?
That it will happen 🌹🌹🌹🌹❣️
Are you aware of what knocks you off balance? Do you know how to get back on track? Whether it’s school, work, nutrition or sleep. Knowing your dosha will help you make the necessary moves to be in touch and in balance with yourself.
Take the quick quiz on the bottom box where it says “learn more”.
Also, reach out to me so I can assist you with more useful information about your specific type.
Just want to thank my dawgs for being great companions today. Training was hella beyond tough. What made it even 🥵 wasn’t even the 101 heat . It was my state of mind. I’m pretty good at keeping myself centered but today the thought of doing this on my own drained me to pieces. Still I pushed through. This was today. A whooooole lot more to go until a rest day so let’s keep on keeping on. The way I see it ? It’s not that one day I’ll be at the right place the right time. I’ll be ready when the opportunity presents for me.
Good night y’all 🥑💪🏼
Just to share with you guys that today was pretty difficult but awesome at the same time. I truly enjoyed the way my mental state wasn’t clouded as other days. Plus I was able to have a good night sleep last night! I didn’t over sleep and I was able to catch up on work I have been leaving behind.
So just to let you guys know. We are all fkn AWESOME. We do the best we can and we get after it regularly. We did great guys! 👏🏼👏🏼
Namaste guys,
Yoga is the Cessation of the Fluctuations of the Mind
"Yoga is defined as restraint of fluctuations in the consciousness. It is the art of studying the behaviour of consciousness, which has three functions: cognition, volition, and motion.
Yoga shows ways of understanding the functionings of the mind, and helps in quieting their movements, leading one towards the undisturbed state of silence which dwells in the very seat of consciousness. Yoga is thus the art and science of mental discipline through which the mind becomes cultured and matured."
~ Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra 1.2)