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“Even a good garage may need repair ”
— YWeFit

Today I was so tempted to buy a margarita and skip my training session. But truthfully speaking, that would of been way beyond foolish from my part.

I just finished reading a book called “Compete every day” and one of the chapters talks about how to ask yourself the question “Is this aligned with my goal(purpose). If yes? Proceed. If not, eliminate.

Beyond thankful for this book! It’s an easy read and the way the author speaks truly stays with me during whatever it is I’m struggling with during the day.

Human, keep in mind how awesome you are. Remember that you are meant to achieve great things in your life. Remember that perfection does not exist but you do and you will do the best you can.

Because ,you are worth it 🙏🏼

With this in mind YWeFit has a motto now “Firmness of purpose”.
