The truth about depression. Where Depression Meets Yoga.
Wish I could start off by telling you that these words will cure you. But if I did, that will be far from the truth. No, these words may not cure you. However, it IS a giant start.
Where does yoga come in all of this? Though these words may not cure you, Yoga can! Not immediately, but indefinitely.
At the beginning of yoga you will see your awareness awaken.
Then you will start to:
Talk differently.
The crown of your head a little taller. Your chest more open. Your feet more grounded! You, in touch with your breath and your breath, aligned with your body.
*I’m no doctor here. But depression, what I’ve observed in myself is addicting! Like a drug! Where am I going with this?
You gotta be willing to let go of your depression
you gotta WANT to let it go.
You gotta believe deep in your heart that better days will come
With the same grip we held to depression, we gotta hold on to the thought that better days WILL COME.
As we know, It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. But as we strengthen and cultivate the believe of better days ahead. We will know how to cope with the rainy days.
Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodah ( The calming of the monkey** mind)
Heal thyself organically.
This is a process you can work on every single day with every breath you take. For the rest of your days. Marry the process! Fall in love with it. Truth is, some days will be dry. And you’ll see very little action or progress. But you will have peace of mind and self love.
Oh my sweet, gentle human reading this. You are capable of great things!
You are worthy of healing!
Allow yourself to love yourself.
Allow yourself to see the perfection in your scars.
Allow yourself to make the most amount of healthy options.
You are loved!
“To set up what you like against what you dislike- - this is the disease of the mind.”
Imagine yourself walking on this barefooted. Will it hurt? Will you learn to let hurt go? Will you adapt? Will you be willing to even walk it?