Just read an article that truly grounded my truth.
The article talked about how self-improvement can be bad for you. First of all, too much of anything has its consequences, no doubt.
It all depends of where you are in life. If you’re already established. With a family and an awesome job , yeah, okay “Learn to smell the roses”.
Self improvement at the pace of another other than the self can be detrimental. Sometimes, self improvement is pure and sincere awareness. Acceptance. Not that anything is wrong with you but that, if there’s anything wrong, you’re able to look pass it.
Self-improvement looks different for everybody. For some, self improvement could be, to sleep all day, watch tv and unwind. To another is to wake up at 4:30am workout, meditate, eat breakfast blah blah. And for another it could be a mixture of all of those.
Here, what I’m trying to say is that self improvement is not a competition with the next person. Self improvement is being able to assist another being , at any point in time . Whether it be just to hear them out or physically take them out of a burning car. And of course having the ability to have your own back.