5 Day Juice cleanse

Now I know an easy way to loose 7lbs in 4 days! Except I’m not trying to sale you anything and I also don’t recommend it to everyone.

This is for the individual who

  • Needs to reset their digestive system.

  • Wants a mental challenge.

  • Needs to Detox

  • Feel more energized

  • Is ok with not being ok

    Out of these 5 you must sincerely be down for 4! Yeah, if you lack one that’s ok. That one will grow on you . Less than 4 will make the days drag but you still will be able to get it done.

    Why did I decide to fast and only drink juice?

    The main reason was to see if I could. I have always seen and heard of people do juice cleanse and it has been a pinch in my curiosity ever since. Finally! I did it and I finished ✔️

    Was it easy? Not at all

    Did I workout? Yes

    Did I go to work? Yes

    Did I pass out? No

    Did I throw up? Almost

    What did it consist of?

    6 juices a day for 5 days & water. Yup no extra stuff.

    Now, the juicy stuff. Was it tasty? …. No. It was not a walk in the park or a gentle kiss from God. But I feel stronger, calm, peaceful and mega energized. I feel light. I feel capable.

Everybody’s experience will be different. This is mine. Maybe you try a one day juice cleanse or even a three day! Find a juice place that you trust and like to support and get the juices from them. It’s easier this way. Not very cost effective but the fact that you invest your money will also add to the urgency of needing to complete the challenge.

5 Day Juice cleanse #healthyliving #fitlife #detox #challenge #bjj #yoga #findyourwhy #yay #happy