Listening 👂🏼

Nike has a training course called Athletes mindset. Whether you’re goal is to be a top athlete , loose weight or simply be a better human it’s wonderful to take part in it. 

We are on week 3 and ever since we started they constantly talk about the WHY. Why do you want to be fit? Why do you want to be healthy? 

But don’t think they hammer the subject. They bring it up in such a way you can barely tell (if even tell at all). 

That’s the concept behind YWeFit. To constantly have the reason of being healthy on the top of your mind.  It’s easy to forget even if you write it down! 😅

What I’ve found useful is to adjust the why according to the times. Some times it’s to be in harmony with my mind. Other times it’s to conquer my inner bia 🙂 other times is to set an example to my family. Other times it’s just to move🙏🏼 

Of course your why should be constant. Constant to where the days you feel like giving up you show up anyway because you know there’s a reason , a why.  Once you’re done, your why will be clear. 

•Self •Family •Career •Health

•Joy •Endorphins •Stay playful

•Feel part of something

•To look better Naked! 

The why’s are endless. Which one is yours?

Thank you for the support. Behind it all, you’re in charge.