Choose love and it will all work out.
Love for the self.
Love for the world around you.
Connect to your true authentic self.
What are your likes? What are your dislikes?
Do you prefer hot or cold? The beach or the lake?
You know what it’s like to win. You know what it’s like to loose.
Which efforts are you willing to give? What outcomes are you striving for?
Are you okay with loosing and staying the same?
Or are you willing to change your whole world to get what you always wanted?
There’s nothing scarier than living a life not knowing what you want. But if there is, it’s settling for what you know, you don’t.
This is where Love for the self comes in.
Once you raise your vibration and become aware that everything is connected events and circumstances will have almost no effect on you.
First we must be ignorant in oder to dive deep and understand with depth. Face yourself with love.
But how will you know of the ignorance you hold if you don’t elevate and accept reality for what it is?
When you love yourself you’ll be able to say “Yes its cold. Yes its dark. I’ll get me the perfect sweater. I am in charge of turning on that light.”
Truth is, its also scary when you know what you want. But it’s different. Not that type of fear that keeps you in bed and paralyzes you. The type to keep you up late and wakes you up early because well, now you know, why procrastinate on it?
This is where Love for the world around you comes in.
This time, know what you want.
If letting go feels like you’re hurting someone. Please know that they haven’t become aware of what you’re on your way of mastering. Self realization. Self-respect. Self-worth.
You can love from far away. That’s ok. They’re not in the same vibration as you. That’s ok. I’m sure you cried and begged for them to see what you saw and feel what you felt. Now your mind and heart are at ease. Now your discipline is going to play a huge role. What’s the one thing you do exceptionally well? Whatever it is breathe into that.
Sure, one day someone will add to this but until then? Love life for what it is. Realize that everything that happens is for your best interest and the greater good.
Imagine yourself as an asset in society. Part of those who fight and Zen for their life’s.
Connect to your true authentic self
You’re worth it.
You're worthy of being heard.
You’re worthy of being understood.
You're worthy of love.
You are worthy of freedom.
Yes, you are.