It’s all about experiencing.
Experiencing the breath, the movement and the moment.
Last night I had a dream where something astrological happened. Something that goes like this:
Some people described it as “Just another sunset”.
To me? It was all things earth and galaxies in one sunset! The top of the sky was a reflection of the bottom. Doesn’t it already look like that? No, not quite. Here, the sun was on the left and the moon almost arms length apart.
You couldn’t quite tell it was the moon. It was covered with little puny stars like in the galaxy 🌅 🌌 🌚 yellow ,orange, red, blues! All kinds of blues and grey’s. Silver . Gold!
It was as if the sky was reflecting on water. (There was water there but you could easily tell them apart. The sky (brain) a reflection of itself. And the water reflecting all of that.) Definitely not just another sunset
Gumba bears!
Headphones that fell in the water. A kid diving to get them. The ocean not as deep as it looked. His feet touched the surface and quickly recovered the headphones.
Beats! To be specific. Headphone beats. Those big Dr. Dre ones.
What are Gumba bears? Not polar bears. There where those there too! Gumba bears where like GIANT OTTERS like the Lion in Narnia BIG.
The thing was: a giant storm was approaching. All the animals where gathering island food for their shelter. Humans where dancing and not much in worry. In no worry at all actually. Until the storm of animals invaded their space and got attacked by the animals for the food they where currently eating.
I got approached by two Gumba bears! They smelled my hair, my shoes. They slobbered on me! They where capable of hurting me but as they smelled me they smelled my love. As I hoped . Without hesitation I opened my hand and they looked at each other as we , at that very moment spoke the same language. They took the fruit I had in my hand (spike little snake fruit I think it’s called) and left.
Humans got the hang of it and ran for shelter. I had oil on my feet witch I forgot I had until it was time to climb on a slanted marble floor! People all around me nobody reached a hand for me to get up there. So there was a statue to my left. Not Ghanesh or Bali . I think it was the violin harp trumpet flute player who attracted all the ladies. I reached for it and with it pulled myself up.
Finally I was able to be safe and I woke up.
The adventure of the dream and the reality of reflecting on it when awake🙏🏼
It’s not a puzzle or a maze. It’s simple and clear. To the wild mind and happy spirit? A beautiful melody ✨✨✨