Lunges & Bird Dog

The article I found is great for anybody trying to lose body fat. How to lose body fat even after the workout. LUNGES! Over sprinting. You can click to know the scientific proves. I’m just cutting to the chase to make it easier on you.

•Must be weighted (bumbells, weight vest, water gallons ect.)

•Must be 400 meters or on a 4x4 box

Also try the yoga pose in the pic. Before or after the lunges. Opposite arm opposite leg. The cool thing about bird dog is if your wrist are hurting you can put your forearms on blocks or in a chair!

Here , I’m actually hyperextending my elbows. I’m supposed to have a slight bend on them to have proper balance and joints stacked properly. Something to keep in mind but nothing to worry about.

Here , I’m actually hyperextending my elbows. I’m supposed to have a slight bend on them to have proper balance and joints stacked properly. Something to keep in mind but nothing to worry about.