
The purpose of this blog is to allow the reader looking for back pain relief to find it here. Also, If you are new to the website it gives you an understanding of why we make the videos. We share the love for yoga because we know first hand what it feels like to hurt / physically and think to yourself “Will I be able to move pain free again?”. The answer is, yes. You can and you will.

There are a couple of steps to recovery and the first is to be patient with the process. Give yourself time. This blog targets lower back pain but in the future we will discuss shoulder, hip and other parts of your body.

The first 12 minutes of the video I express my own pain and how it happened. Sometimes we are too stubborn to listen to our own bodies. That’s okay, but accepting it can be a challenge on its own. At minute 12:53 I get to the poses.

My goal for you is to guide you to have the confidence that you need for pain free movement. Awareness to your breath. Keeping yourself calm and aware of the present moment. Allowing yourself to feel and let go gently.

This is the first video I made for all of you. Please also know that my other videos are much shorter. Shorter videos help you focus completely on your own body, breath and poses.

YWeFit is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. For example, as Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Disclaimer: This information is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. If you have any questions about your own nutrition and fitness plan, please consult your MD or RD


The prayer and hope is that you find peace through whatever it is you’re going through. We live in a world where hate is so popular and though we may not be able to change the world with our love and kindness, we can still be part of those who add to the healing process.

Yesterday I woke up with this question and thought in mind “End a movie in 5 words”. The answer to my own question was, “Free, you’ll be with truth”. Kinda like Yoda talks.

Whatever it is you’re going through, set your self free. It’s okay to feel. It’s okay to acknowledge the ache. Set yourself free by not becoming the ache.

The most gentle of ways I have seen work best. Is a tiny whisper to yourself saying “It’s okay”. Please remember that nothing, absolutely nothing is worth ripping you off of your happiness and bliss. Breathe my gentle human. Awareness to your inhales and exhales.

Anxious? Stressed? Make a list of those things and burn it. Make a gentle mental note and release it.

What stories will you repeat to yourself? Stories of success or failure? The amount of effort is truly the same. Maybe there’s a part that you find hard to believe. You are strong. You are resilient. You are kind.

Look at how much you have overcome through your life. However big or small. Still, you carry on. Carry the ache with you (no more). Bring your awareness to your healing process and watch yourself more at peace and focused on your journey.

My gentle human. How will you end your movie in 5 words?



Hello my gorgeous reader,

This is your gentle Friday love letter. From me to you, with hopes that you’re happy and healthy.


Believe that you will get exactly what you need. Not more or less, but exactly what you truly need.

With more, you tend to get carried away, get very little done or move slower than you know you should move. You forget your breath and find it difficult to center yourself.

With less, you cut yourself short. You stress more than the rest. You arrive late and loose your balance a little more.

Believe that although you (we) take a tiny place in this earth our speck is enough. Our speck is enough to make our breath count.

Have you ever seen a picture of mother earth in space view?

Pretty tiny huh?

Pretty tiny huh?

Yet, though we take a small part in this beautiful world with us, we carry the ability to be kind, loving and understanding. We carry breath. We carry life. We carry power. You are loved beyond measure. Wherever you are in this majestic earth of ours, please remember, that I am thinking of you. Ahimsa, non-violence. Be gentle with yourself. Be patient with your journey. Lotus be kind. Lotus be graceful.



The centipede envies the snake for not needing legs to get around. The snake envies the wind for not needing a body to just be”. -Youtube video I saw this morning

The moral of the story is that we are constantly trying to make changes to ourselves. Brunettes want to be blondes ( ME I’d like to be blonde) and blondes want to be brunets.

And so the story goes. Without much thought, doing comes from being. Allow yourself to stay with your breath.

You have breath and you have body. You have everything you need to achieve your goals. There is nothing to change. Sure, there may be some acceptance and adjustments. But in the end you are enough.

You are enough to start. You are enough to end. You are enough for your journey. And As you are, you take a wonderful place in this earth.

I share this thought with you because social media can get us real jacked up. Even our family members. Only you know how hard you work. Only you know the tears you cry. Only you know if what you need is a little more discipline, or a little more will. Whatever it is that you may need, please know that it is within that you will find it.

From the bottom of my heart, please don’t ever feel alone. You are loved. You are enough.

In honor of “The Bird Who Became The Wind” I decided to try Crow pose today. Truth is, I stay away from practicing complicated poses. Yin is my thing. But oh how fun it’s to try something scary from time to time.

In honor of “The Bird Who Became The Wind” I decided to try Crow pose today. Truth is, I stay away from practicing complicated poses. Yin is my thing. But oh how fun it’s to try something scary from time to time.

Now, If you’re looking for a mood booster please try our Alpha Brain. Yes, I do receive some commission if you purchase. But I take it myself. I trust the product and have felt a huge improvement in my energy level when I started to take this. I take it for a whole month. Then give myself a break from it and then I take it again. Also for sleep! I take New mood. Not every single night but just about.

Hello, World!


Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. We may receive a small commission when you make a purchase (No extra cost to you).

Welcome Back! Butterflies and Flowers Poster.jpg

The first time I ever wrote from the heart I was about 11 years old. I had a major crush on a boy whose name I will not tell. But I wrote a poem to him (which I never gave or shared). But ever since I’ve been writing. A dream has always been to write a book of some kind. So here it is. A children’s book. Simple with a clear message. One can make a difference. One can heal. One can fly.

First edition and looking to collaborate with anybody out there who draws for better illustrations. Thank you for taking the time to check me and the book out. Open to constructive criticism. Again, thank you.

The colors of the book are inspired by this shoe.

The colors of the book are inspired by this shoe.

Keep moving. Stay healthy 🙏🏼


What’s the importance of Yin Yoga?

The motivation behind writing this blog is to share my love for yin yoga. Why? because if you have a busy schedule, a demanding job , or a fiery character you will be able to meet a different side of yourself that you have been needing for a long time. Afterwards, you will feel blissful and ready for whatever comes your way.


  • Balances nervous system

  • Quiets the mind

  • Aids healing process

  • Flexibility

  • Circulation

  • Muscle recovery

    While other forms of yoga help with alignment and strength Yin helps in a more gentle way. Sometimes you may not find a liking of the smoothness of Yin but that’s only an indication of how much your body truly needs it.

In Yin, poses are held for 5 minutes or more. If you resist your urges to move in the pose your body may start to feel a tingly sensation as when you meditate for a long time. It can be uncomfortable. But learning how to stay in the pose despite the discomfort helps us with whatever emotions we may be having a difficult time dealing with.

Awareness and acceptance. With practice we get better at being aware and accepting those things we cannot change (Like someone’s opinion, someone’s lack of effort or the weather).

But my most favorite part is that it gives us an opportunity to listen to our bodies before our bodies scream. If you take part in any type of sport, it helps you be ready for the training day current or next one.

Without it, you're setting yourself up for missing training days (Injury).

Join one of my Yin classes. Either remote on zoom or Crosby Community Center (Thursdays 5pm).

Everybody is welcomed. The more stressed, stiff and worried, the better.

Keep healing 🙏🏼💐

Keep healing 🙏🏼💐


7 things that happen when you do yoga 


“I’m not flexible for yoga” is like a goat saying “I’m not goat enough for the goat club”. Huh? Haha sounds silly right? Everybody starts somewhere. Everything takes just a bit of effort and consistency. With time, you will get flexible. Not only your body! But your mind. 


Truth is, you’re already strong. But another truth is that you haven’t quite figured out how to unleash it. You’re not sure because you haven’t moved your body in a while. Yet you know your day to day task take strength. Well imagine having the strength to do more! And to do it with grace! 

Peace clarity:

With clarity comes peace of mind. You’ll be able to understand your own thoughts. You’ll be able to sit with your emotions instead of becoming your emotions. You’ll learn to distinguish the difference of what needs to be held on to and what needs to be let go of. 


You’ll find yourself showing up for yourself with vigor and zeal! Your own strength will have much to do with it. 

Healthier choices:

Maybe you won’t have an oh so perfect diet. But you’ll learn to make the most amount of healthy choices throughout your day.  Your clarity will add to this. 

New friendships:

Whether you’re doing it through zoom or in a studio, you’ll be able to meet new people. Even if you take a long long time until you speak. You’ll have friends with a common goal : to be happy and healthy. 

Stress relieve:

Some days will be better than others but one thing is for sure: Whether you do yoga or any other type of purposeful movement you will relieve stress! 

Maybe you don’t care much for making new friendships. Maybe you think these are all out of reach. Maybe you think you’re too “lazy” to get into the groove. But let me tell you that what’s really happing is that you don’t have a solid “why” you don’t have a good enough reason to get moving. 

My prayer is that you find your reason. My prayer is that you find your why. My prayer is that you change your why according to the times of you need to if that’s what it takes to stay moving in the healthy direction.

Please remember it’s not about having a perfect, vegan, gluten free 7 day a week workout program. It’s about making the most amount of healthy options most of the time🙏🏼♥️✨

Keep searching. Keep going 💐


How can you know when you need a cleansing detox? Our bodies have ways to communicate with us. Usually constipation or other bowel moments are easy ways to notice when we need a detox. But what about a social media detox? How can you know when its time to unplug from the rest of the world and tune inwards? When you find yourself not enjoying the moment because the internet looks like it has something to tell you. The answers are always within. Not very often we take the time to silence the world around us to see what we truly need. Usually what we get and tend to think we need is based on what we see on social media. It’s the truth! No matter how much you say you’re not a follower still, we tend to base our decisions based on someone or something.

One morning I just woke up and realized my head felt heavy from social media. I realized I was cutting myself short based on what I saw. Thinking certain tasks and things where out of reach because “I’m not like such and such”. Good job for such and such but what about you? What about the things you have always wanted to do but you don’t because something holds you back. You can say it’s laziness. Well take away social media and cut on the TV time and believe your body will move differently.

Benefits of a social media detox?

  • Mental clarity

  • Improved digestion

  • reduced pain

  • more energy

  • clear skin

  • reduce hormonal imbalances

  • Better family communication

Similar to a food detox! Emotional cleansing.

Social media is great to stay in touch with family and old friends. But let us not be so in touch with the internet more than we are with their actual being. Let us get in touch with ourselves as individuals and the world around us.

Allow yourself to improve your own vision. Allow yourself to digest the goodness. Allow yourself to let go of that which no longer serves you (For if it doesn’t serve you, you wont be able to feel the freedom one gets from serving another).

Namaste 🙏🏼

The light in me honors and loves the light in you.

Maybe you don’t want to. Maybe its scary! What if you loose friends!? What if this. What if that. But, what if you find parts of yourself that you’ve been searching in all the wrong places? What if you find a different side of you that you have always needed? You wont know unless you try. 30 days! 21 days. 14 days. 7 days. Give yourself time.


Small changes that lead to the bigger picture. Recently I read that if you’re ever faced with a difficult decision where your not sure what to do, to choose the one that makes you feel free! Choose the one that adds to the awesome person you already are! There’s probably no need to adjust but rather accept. Accept the self, accept the challenge.


What’s the difference between round bolsters and square?

First let me tell you that its a personal choice. However, what I have seen throughout several yoga studios, classes and retreats is that the round bolster are the most used.

Round Bolsters

  • Realistically shape your body regardless of body type

  • You’ll be able to do the most amount of asanas with them

  • Last longer as far as firmness

Square Bolsters

  • Specific body types

  • Limited to asanas you’ll be able to do

  • Loose their firmness quicker.

  • Take less storage space

Again, you don’t need a bolster to find joy in yoga and to get the full benefits of Yin. Having a bolster may seem like a luxury but in reality its your personal teacher when there’s no teacher around. The way you can approach your mat just to lay on it is the same way you can use your bolster. Having a bolster and spending time with it even seems as if you’re receiving a giant hug!

  • Your recovery time will seem as if its going faster

  • Gentle approach to awareness and acceptance

Whether you choose round or square your body will thank you.


Sharing my Amazon affiliate links to help you decide. Different colors available and shipping is much faster than purchasing from other yoga accessories websites.


The truth about depression. Where Depression Meets Yoga.

Wish I could start off by telling you that these words will cure you. But if I did, that will be far from the truth. No, these words may not cure you. However, it IS a giant start.

Where does yoga come in all of this? Though these words may not cure you, Yoga can! Not immediately, but indefinitely.

At the beginning of yoga you will see your awareness awaken.

Then you will start to:

  • Move

  • Walk

  • Talk differently.

    The crown of your head a little taller. Your chest more open. Your feet more grounded! You, in touch with your breath and your breath, aligned with your body.

    *I’m no doctor here. But depression, what I’ve observed in myself is addicting! Like a drug! Where am I going with this?

  • You gotta be willing to let go of your depression

  • you gotta WANT to let it go.

  • You gotta believe deep in your heart that better days will come

  • With the same grip we held to depression, we gotta hold on to the thought that better days WILL COME.

    As we know, It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. But as we strengthen and cultivate the believe of better days ahead. We will know how to cope with the rainy days.

  • Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodah ( The calming of the monkey** mind)

  • Heal thyself organically.

    This is a process you can work on every single day with every breath you take. For the rest of your days. Marry the process! Fall in love with it. Truth is, some days will be dry. And you’ll see very little action or progress. But you will have peace of mind and self love.

    Oh my sweet, gentle human reading this. You are capable of great things!

    You are worthy of healing!

    Allow yourself to love yourself.

    Allow yourself to see the perfection in your scars.

    Allow yourself to make the most amount of healthy options.

    You are loved!

To set up what you like against what you dislike- - this is the disease of the mind.
— Send -T’San
Imagine yourself walking on this barefooted. Will it hurt? Will you learn to let hurt go? Will you adapt? Will you be willing to even walk it?

Imagine yourself walking on this barefooted. Will it hurt? Will you learn to let hurt go? Will you adapt? Will you be willing to even walk it?


Sometimes you don’t need to look too deep into something to find out what the universe wants to tell you. Sometimes, you just need to be silent enough to hear. It speaks pretty loud, gently, but loud.

•Do not overreact: Events and situations don’t necessarily have to go your way for you to realize that things are going for you. Things, may get out of hand. You may loose control. And that may be the best thing has has ever happened in a long time.

•Forecast will change: Allow your thoughts to be. Not holding on to them but rather allowing yourself to get out of the hole. And if the hole is too deep allow yourself to see the light in there. Be the light. Sometimes, you’ll be the dark, the hole but take full advantage when you’re able to be the light. It changes, embrace it with grace. Embrace it all.

•Confidence will grow: Not overreacting, and allowing the forecast to change you’ll be able to see the better version of you. More aware. More serine. More at peace. Stronger and yet gentle. Most importantly, confident.

•Stay alert to forecast: Awareness to your breath. Awareness to your thoughts. You are the weather anchor of your emotions and thoughts. Only you can give a sincere evaluation of your every thought.


Coming into terms that, self reflection without sharing is as pointless as chasing the wind.
We can either , like a salmon, fight the current . Or simply go with the flow.
Here, we go with the flow. The fish will swim anyway. And the cat will fish anyway. He who has ears, thank you for listening.
Why go with the flow? Because there’s no need to add extra stress. The goal is to find places where we can soften. Maybe we have already overcame the stage of fighting the current. And that’s why we flow. There will be another season to fight the current. There will be another season to fish. And another season for the reason. Today? Here? We release and flow.

Here, the design inspired by the flow, the cat, the fish. Cheers to every season a reason 🙏🏼

Here, the design inspired by the flow, the cat, the fish. Cheers to every season a reason 🙏🏼


Just read an article that truly grounded my truth.
The article talked about how self-improvement can be bad for you. First of all, too much of anything has its consequences, no doubt.

It all depends of where you are in life. If you’re already established. With a family and an awesome job , yeah, okay “Learn to smell the roses”.

Self improvement at the pace of another other than the self can be detrimental. Sometimes, self improvement is pure and sincere awareness. Acceptance. Not that anything is wrong with you but that, if there’s anything wrong, you’re able to look pass it.

Self-improvement looks different for everybody. For some, self improvement could be, to sleep all day, watch tv and unwind. To another is to wake up at 4:30am workout, meditate, eat breakfast blah blah. And for another it could be a mixture of all of those.

Here, what I’m trying to say is that self improvement is not a competition with the next person. Self improvement is being able to assist another being , at any point in time . Whether it be just to hear them out or physically take them out of a burning car. And of course having the ability to have your own back.

But hey, I’m not a professional writer. These are just my observations. On the link below I’m sharing the article I read because it’s a beautiful read after all.

But hey, I’m not a professional writer. These are just my observations. On the link below I’m sharing the article I read because it’s a beautiful read after all.


Happiness is a clean sink. Happiness is singing for your paw pal.
— YWeFit

How does happiness feel to you? What does it look like? Does it have a smell?

Has it ever happened that the more we look for something the less we are likely to find it? The moment we stop looking for it all of the sudden, BAM 💥 we find it.

Happiness comes with the acceptance of the present moment. I’ve learned that sometimes happiness is also the ignorance of the present moment. The not knowing how important or unimportant it is.

Happiness is bliss.

Happiness is ignorance.

Happiness is acceptance.

Happiness looks, feels and smells different for everyone. But the universal language can always be found with in.

Are you ready to be present? Are you ready to stop looking?
You are already there 🙏🏼

May you be happy💫

May you be free ✨

Namaste ♥️🌹♥️


See what love does to you?

Love of the self and love towards others. How does love look to you? How about progress? What is progress?

Waking up in the morning it’s important you like what you see in the mirror. But it’s only through time and effort that we are able to genuinely love and enjoy the person in the mirror.

In the left picture. Back in 2018 I was “Living it upppp”. You know? The whole party scene. Eating healthy but mainly junk! Working out but mainly to party harder . Not to love and live longer.

It all comes down to “Don’t fool ya self”. On the left I was at a place where they “Remove acne and scars”. Hoping my face would clear up. It didn’t work! I’ll tell you what did help.


Change happens from the inside out. Whatever thoughts you have. Whatever foods we consume, our bodies will reflect that. It’s ironic how I fight for my peace every single day. But I don’t fight it with swords or guns. I fight it with constantly getting curious and learning about something new. Or reviewing a favorite topic. I fight it with giving myself little goals

•“For a week I won’t eat past 8pm”.

• Burpees for the month

•Meditate 5mns a day (at least)

•This week I won’t eat meat

Little, small challenges and changes that lead to the bigger picture. Yes of course, I wash my face before going to bed. Yes, I put Egyptian oil (click for scars on link below) before going to sleep. Almond oil. Exfoliate face once or twice a week. I don’t drink anymore. I’m extremely mindful of what I put in my body.

Overall I have found love. I have found peace. I have come to accept who I am and only change what I can. Not what I wish.


Reflection and observation. Nothing that can beat application with this equation.

Not a doctor or a professor.

Admire both.

But just another writer healing from depression. 

Aiming to break self destructive behaviors one workout at a time.



Hallelujah, hard work pays off.

To tell the self ..

Finish! Time tiks and toks anyway!

It’s not okay for people to portray their hurt on you. 

It’s okay to walk away.

You don’t always need a plan.

It’s okay 🙏🏼


Yoga is not just postures. It’s a state of mind -Louisa Sear

When do you find it most beneficial to go back to your breath? While driving? During practice? When at work?

A reminder to connect with your breath, as much as possible throughout ours days.

Banded tricep extension. For a double whammy , catch your relaxed leg and catch it behind you with your free hand. Feel the need for balance and strength. Then, enjoy the tingly sensations of the pose. Hold for 5 or more breaths. Gently release on your exhale

Banded tricep extension. For a double whammy , catch your relaxed leg and catch it behind you with your free hand. Feel the need for balance and strength. Then, enjoy the tingly sensations of the pose. Hold for 5 or more breaths. Gently release on your exhale