
It’s March and chick season is here! Gardening all that fun stuff in the sun ☀️ we have your feed and soul covered.
The way this all began? Was thanks to the pandemic. We took a loss in other areas and managed to get this rolling.

It’s been a huge learning process and we are just getting started.

Buy more than 5bags of feed it’s free delivery😎

Buy 10 bags of feed on sheep, goat, cattle or chicken get one free🤓

Buy more than 5bags in soil get them at $3



This month the emphasis is meditation. It’s a form of medication! Plus it’s helping me practice patience with the healing process of my shoulder 🙏🏼
Stay focused! Stay positive! It will get better! Soon again you’ll be able to have full mobility without feeling the clapping of joints and aching of nerves.

Yes, it will get better. This is the time to stay humble, work hard and be focused. Read, study, practice. Practice having a beautiful mindset despite the difficulties ❣️

Track your progress and most importantly, share your experience. It’s important others know that healing takes time. And it’s not about the time that it takes but rather what we do while the time passes by♥️

Ridding around the hood where I grew up today! No worries, let’s skip the traffic 🤪 ya can count on me to know the back streets 🙏🏼💐💯

Ridding around the hood where I grew up today! No worries, let’s skip the traffic 🤪 ya can count on me to know the back streets 🙏🏼💐💯

This wonderful man here got a bulls eye! I mean he got me duh 🙄🤪🤪😃😎😬lol no but really! He’s getting so good I can’t help but to be so proud of him♥️❣️ Can’t wait to see him workout too! Lol (I’m sure he will . After all that’s the only way to …

This wonderful man here got a bulls eye! I mean he got me duh 🙄🤪🤪😃😎😬lol no but really! He’s getting so good I can’t help but to be so proud of him♥️❣️ Can’t wait to see him workout too! Lol (I’m sure he will . After all that’s the only way to get super amazing at bow hunting) NOBODY CARES WORK HARDER 😱😨😭😭😅🤓🤓😜


Ever feel like God has your back!? Ever feel like things happen for a greater purpose?

Today we didn’t go to our stand as we usually do on Sundays. But we got to do things we have been dreaming of doing.

Got a Sunday morning workout in. Made brunch. Did some deliveries. Cleaned all the weights and rearranged the gym. Rearranged all our merchandise. Planted a tree! Cleaned the box truck. I’m telling you what. I don’t know what’s ahead. But I know that if we keep our faith to God and our intentions pure, we will be blessed. We will be taken care of. Before doing and saying anything the question needs to be sincere so that the answer is 💯 % pure. Ohhh the mess we won’t make when we actually try this method🙏🏼

Joe got to shoot his bow today! He also built them an area since they have been indoor pets 😅 we are ready to let them stinkies out 🤪🤪😩😃

Joe got to shoot his bow today! He also built them an area since they have been indoor pets 😅 we are ready to let them stinkies out 🤪🤪😩😃

Yesterday we found ourselves a little rodeo. Big horse or little horse please know you are amaaazzzing❣️

Yesterday we found ourselves a little rodeo. Big horse or little horse please know you are amaaazzzing❣️

We have different cattle feed! This type you can feed goats and deer too!

We have different cattle feed! This type you can feed goats and deer too!


Propaganda says that you can loose weight in x amount of time. Reality is: it takes time! It takes patience. It takes a whole bunch of disappointments before you can actually see some kind or results.

Then? We you finally see results you realize there’s still more work to put in. Nothing wrong with that. Work can be fun! Work can be exciting! Work can be serious. But work can also be playful.

I’m not sharing this because my workouts have been fascinating! But the complete opposite to be honest 🙏🏼 My shoulder is killing me again! But I can share that with time, patience and consistency. Form and awareness IT WILL GET BETTER ❣️

Anyway! Here’s a flashback Friday for ya! 😅

Anyway! Here’s a flashback Friday for ya! 😅


Hey y’all! So pumped! Joe got a bow online and when he went to get it measured and set up he decided he wanted another one. So I got to keep the one he bought online!

I really told him he needed a new hobby! And he sure as heck got to it! So much to look forward to😅 now our future kids are going to do yoga, CrossFit and learn archery too!

Y’all! Also we have a bunch of new merch we will be receiving to see how the materials are for y&J FEEDERS! Totally so much time and work has been going in to it. Free hat with $150 worth of feed!

Y’all! Also we have a bunch of new merch we will be receiving to see how the materials are for y&J FEEDERS! Totally so much time and work has been going in to it. Free hat with $150 worth of feed!


Now let me make this clear before we proceed. I am not a therapist or social worker. But all learned by either experience or observations.

Relationships are made for those who like to dance. If you don’t like dancing, maybe art, or a sport of some kind! Something that takes you outside of yourself. For it’s only after being outside of yourself that you’ll be able to meet another to become one.

I’d like to elaborate. But with very little feedback  and almost no interaction. Well it’s not as  fun to share more.

I’d like to elaborate. But with very little feedback and almost no interaction. Well it’s not as fun to share more.


Skipped a day. Doesn’t take away from the fact that it happened.I’m trying to figure out how to put a subcategory on the goodies tab to put the feed available on here too. Still haven’t been able to figure it out. Maybe because I’m figuring out the finances, inventory and the marketing. Honestly I have ventured out in several type of business but this feed one seems to be going better because my soulmate and best friend is all in with me in this 🙏🏼

Long story short it’s going well. I hope to get more reviews in the places I’m selling stuff so that y’all can see how much I enjoy this ♥️❣️

Long story short it’s going well. I hope to get more reviews in the places I’m selling stuff so that y’all can see how much I enjoy this ♥️❣️


Buenas tardes pues aquí estamos en la casa 🏡 no hay sol. Pero si hay muchas risas entre nosotros. Nos encontramos sin agua y casi todo el día sin luz. Pero lo que si habido todo el día es la lucesita adentro de nosotros que dice “Un poquito más y todo esto pasará “.

Ya cumplimos 4 días viviendo haci. Y les cuento que el primer día fue puras risas. Más que nada por que no había caído el 💯 el segundo día me preguntaba si viviría otro día más o ese era el último día de mi vida.

Hoy les cuento, que si haci nos toca vivir por el resto de nuestras vidas viviremos felices! Por que siempre los primeros días son los más difíciles!
Luego el cuerpo se adapta. La mente en un momento hace la decisión de dejarse caer O levantarse como un campeón. No se en que día anden ustedes pero les cuento. Los días mejorarán y todo esto será solo una memoria y una historia que contar a carcajadas ❣️

No animals where harmed at the taking of this pic 🤪♥️❣️

No animals where harmed at the taking of this pic 🤪♥️❣️


I wish everybody felt some type of love today. I hope everybody is staying warm and cozy. Gosh! Seriously my heart goes out to everybody wondering why they don’t have someone special. Because honestly everybody deserves to be loved ♥️ From my heart to yours please know that you are one of a kind! You make a difference in this world✨❣️



Never heard of it. Something about spoiling your closes girlfriends with drinks and flowers. Uhm still I don’t see why split today and tomorrow when they represent the SAME thing. I guess maybe I’m just being a party pooper since all of my friends live outside of the City and even State from where I live. Anyway 😃 sending everybody so much love ❤️

Me? I decorate with hearts all year long! ♥️🥰🤪🙏🏼

Me? I decorate with hearts all year long! ♥️🥰🤪🙏🏼



It’s all about experiencing.

Experiencing the breath, the movement and the moment.

Last night I had a dream where something astrological happened. Something that goes like this:

Some people described it as “Just another sunset”. 

To me? It was all things earth and galaxies in one sunset! The top of the sky was a reflection of the bottom. Doesn’t it already look like that?  No, not quite. Here, the sun was on the left and the moon almost arms length apart. 

You couldn’t quite tell it was the moon. It was covered with little puny stars like in the galaxy 🌅 🌌 🌚 yellow ,orange, red, blues! All kinds of blues and grey’s. Silver . Gold! 

It was as if the sky was reflecting on water. (There was water there but you could easily tell them apart. The sky (brain) a reflection of itself. And the water reflecting all of that.) Definitely not just another sunset 

Gumba bears!

Headphones that fell in the water. A kid diving to get them. The ocean not as deep as it looked. His feet touched the surface and quickly recovered the headphones. 

Beats! To be specific. Headphone beats. Those big Dr. Dre ones.

What are Gumba bears? Not polar bears. There where those there too! Gumba bears where like GIANT OTTERS like the Lion in Narnia BIG. 

The thing was: a giant storm was approaching. All the animals where gathering island food for their shelter. Humans where dancing and not much in worry. In no worry at all actually. Until the storm of animals invaded their space and got attacked by the animals for the food they where currently eating.

I got approached by two Gumba bears! They smelled my hair, my shoes. They slobbered on me! They where capable of hurting me but as they smelled me they smelled my love. As I hoped . Without hesitation I opened my hand and they looked at each other as we , at that very moment spoke the same language. They took the fruit I had in my hand (spike little snake fruit I think it’s called) and left. 

Humans got the hang of it and ran for shelter. I had oil on my feet witch I forgot I had until it was time to climb on a slanted marble floor! People all around me nobody reached a hand for me to get up there. So there was a statue to my left. Not Ghanesh or Bali . I think it was the violin harp trumpet flute player who attracted all the ladies. I reached for it and with it pulled myself up. 

Finally I was able to be safe and I woke up. 

The adventure of the dream and the reality of reflecting on it when awake🙏🏼 

It’s not a puzzle or a maze. It’s simple and clear. To the wild mind and happy spirit? A beautiful melody ✨✨✨

Dreams are meant to be shared❣️ Here Joe and I at our new set up from last Sunday. Definitely much different than being with the family. I felt like when I went from private school to public school 🙏🏼♥️✨ Still it was a huge blessing of a day✨

Dreams are meant to be shared❣️
Here Joe and I at our new set up from last Sunday. Definitely much different than being with the family. I felt like when I went from private school to public school 🙏🏼♥️✨ Still it was a huge blessing of a day✨