
Sharing with you the workout of tomorrow.

Today was my day off and it is not as fun to take a day off as it is to get get. I can complain about how much I gotta do but I know that on days where I gotta take the day off I wish I was complaining lol ps: not quite complaining but aching. Anywho here’s the love for today ♥️🤪🙏🏼



Truly want to see the smiles of people rocking it too. Hat in full color and ready to order tomorrow! Running this through my phone is not an easy task lol so I travel some miles to get WiFi and upload the pics ,colors, details 🤪♥️🙏🏼 You guys! So happy about the material!


The sun was beaming hard today so it arrives just in time😎🤸🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️


Earth Day

Hello Mother Earth,

I will like to start off by thank you for being such a loving home to me and the ones I adore. Thank you for the warm sun and the cool moon. Thank you for showering us with sprinkles and rain.

Today all your kids celebrate your day♥️
I am sorry for the times I walk around without acknowledging your beautiful gifts.

Here YWeFit hoping to honor you today your special day and every day 🌳 🐐 🙏🏼



To express is to practice our freedom of speech and to honor our existence.

How much we say determines our confidence.

Here , with this blog, practicing all of these.

As a child mom always said “Behave as if I am always looking”. Boyyyyy I tell you what…

Now as an adult the same concept continues in a different way: Integrity: the ability to sweep and mop under the bed even though nobody will hangout there.

Who are we when nobody is looking? Are we calm and cheerful , healthy and blissful? Or do we self harm in the search for ourselves?

Today I am thankful for the ability to be here writing this blog. I don’t know that anybody is truly reading or if anybody even cares . Heck, my boyfriend doesn’t even read my blogs! Lol so this is perfect.

I get to be. No judgment, no rush no standards lol except maybe grammar but ehh ..

lol So if you’re scrolling ,passing by ,taking a look 👀 thank you. Please know that you have a beautiful light in you that will benefit tremendously from feeling and being healthy, blissful, and thankful.

Cheers ✨🧘🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️ This is to our best self♥️🙏🏼



Happiness is a choice something we create.

Lately I have been in a rabbit hole trying to create my happiness when all of the sudden… it hit me..

Ohhh I get it now!
There’s a reason why YWeFit stands for healthy. Blissful and Thankful.

While happiness is temporary. Blissful is who we truly are. Something that never fades. Simply something we get in touch with. Are we in touch with our blissful being?



Why does it feel like I’m still growing to be the woman I have always wanted to be? Like I am almost 30!
I truly thought that by now I would have it all figured out. Job , man, children but here… still making sense of it all… is that truly such a bad thing? Where am I going and where have I been? (Sylvia Plath) but seriously.

I know I have a goal and all I have to do is be disciplined enough to follow through. Truth is, I am ready to follow through, to listen and obey to whatever I need to do to reach the next level.

Currently learning that life is not about shrinking yourself to your surroundings but rather expanding to your horizons ♥️

Above all I am thankful and blessed to have been gifted this beautiful life I live. Thank you 🙏🏼


Guilty or…


Guys! I’ve been watching death row series.
Who is to truly know what goes on behind closed doors? Back to good ole justice . Is there such a thing? What is justice? Is it something you get? Something you give? A gift? A privilege?

One thing is for sure he who is truly innocent speaks differently even if is just by one word.

Here a picture of the playground 🤪♥️ Tomorrow is my day off from self and all about the fam🙏🏼👌🏼Healthy.  Blissful. Thankful

Here a picture of the playground 🤪♥️ Tomorrow is my day off from self and all about the fam🙏🏼👌🏼Healthy. Blissful. Thankful


We can sit here and think about the good ole days or make these days future good ole days.

For some reason this training week makes me feel like I’m doing the bare minimum. But truth is my body just… maybe I’m being a … no maybe my body is adjusting to what’s coming next.

Either way I’m thankful to be able to have such a wonderful crossfit home (Skyline CrossFit) whose programming has always helped me become a better human.

It’s all about keep on keeping on and trusting the process.

Ps: my childhood best fran came through today to hang with the family. So much fun tbh ♥️

Ps: my childhood best fran came through today to hang with the family. So much fun tbh ♥️

Wellness Wednesday

Update . I got a scale to measure my food. Just to add discipline to my intake. Sure now I know I can eat a whole pizza by myself and pounds of whatever too but what will happen if i try something new??? Pics coming soon. All in all it’s about enjoying the unfolding .

Today training was not as yaaaay but know all I gotta do is show up , get it do to the best of my ability and stay consistent ♥️

What are y’all goal? Why do we fit? Family? Health? Or just because? 🤔🤪♥️♥️✨

Last Wednesday

Last Wednesday


Who knows what our minds and bodies will need to do in order to reach a desired level of progress and strength?

It all starts in how we fuel and how we rest.

What changes are we willing to make?
Changes that we can actually carry out with our lifestyle and not just for “results”.

Yesterday I saw a cool ass video about programming a food schedule.

I currently follow eating every 4 hours. Pretty much whatever I want… maybe this video is too much. Maybe it sets a foundation for the person seeking better guidance.


Too much reading

Is there such thing as too much reading? I don’t know I don’t think so. But there is, without a doubt such thing as too much internet usage.

The other day I used my phone so much my eyes hurt at the end of the day. They felt like they where going to pop out of my face.

Long story short I’m trying something new. I’m aiming to use less phone time by giving the present moment my full understanding and love.

Stating present, aware and thankful ♥️🙏🏼
